Alliance only gameplay

K1NGY Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
I have messaged MPQ on many occasions through messenger and have never had a reply regarding this issue.
Some people like myself play this game solo without the use of an alliance as we are to busy with life, work etc, however we still get a lot of gameplay that is strictly alliance based without the use of giving us non alliance based people any chapters to do while alliance only chapters are reaping the benefits. 
Please can you look into this as sometimes there is 3-6 days of waiting with nothing to do apart from the daily quest. Kinda boring really.
we are once again confronted with this issue on the sinister six chapter.


  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017
    I would strongly urge you to join an alliance, even if it's a random, public casual one. In fact, it sounds like a casual one would be better for you. 

    Yes, there are some alliances with some pretty high requirements, but there are also plenty of casual ones with few or even no demands. The reward bonuses you get, even if people log on only to do DDQ, can make a difference. 

    If you're in a full alliance where everyone plays at least once per day, that's an extra 2000 ISO. And if they even dabble in PvE or PvP (or both) that's usually at least a little extra ISO or a few more tokens. All that can add up over time. 

    Just a suggestion, but I think it's something you should really consider. You can change nothing about the way or amount of time you play, but get alliance rewards on top of it.
  • FranklynStreet
    FranklynStreet Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    The best alliance is one where people are playing at the same level as you are... where you won't be prodded to play more than you can or want to, but where you'll get some bonuses.

    There are absolutely casual, public alliances where you can reap some rewards for doing what you are already doing.  I'd recommend that as well.

    Admittedly, that doesn't help you with wanting to reset the prologue.  At a certain point, MPQ is designed to be a multi-player game, so if you're going to take a hard line about solo only play, you're unfortunately going to be limited to what you can do.

    I do agree with you that MPQ would be smart to expand the prologue into a larger, solo-friendly section with multiple campaigns.  In MMO's like World of Warcraft, there was much of the game that a solo player could never experience on their own.  But Blizzard was smart to give solo players plenty of other content to keep them busy, and to keep their experience rewarding.  But as this doesn't seem to be in development, all you can do right now is find the best way to maximize your experience with what's available.  So again I'd recommend finding a very casual alliance that won't make any demands of you.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
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