Pvp complaint

dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
edited July 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
So here I am, mid 4* roster, 16 4* champa .  My ws 5/5/2 so I'm trying to go hard to get 900 to get that last red cover from dd PvP.   For 2 days I've gotten to 850ish only to get slapped back down.

  So today with a couple hours left I say eff it and decide to whale my way there.  I can't even whale fast enough to make up for what I'm loosing while I'm fighting!   Terrible.  So what I've discovered is I need both Carol, AND rhulk to even compete in this.  Well I have Carol.  So I need rhulk covers, great! Oh wait, you can't pull them anymore. 

How broke is this? You need something to compete in the game that you simply can't get anymore.  


  • Elric_VIII
    Elric_VIII Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    While I don't disagree with your overall point, as a 4* transitioner myself, this week is particularly bad because it has some of the strongest characters in the game champed.

    I made my way into the 4* game off the back of Nick Fury and XFW thanks to a long break. So sometimes these weeks happen and you just have to keep chugging. Accept that luck is not on your side right now and don't burn yourself out. I had this same issue during the Peggy event earlier this season.
  • Cactus_Jack_87
    Cactus_Jack_87 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    Carol was my only boosted 4* champ, and I managed to hit my personal high score in this one. I slapped down one Rulk after the other, you just have to be careful. What is your shielding strategy?
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    Why do I see a Player Feedback thread move incoming?
  • dave7099
    dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Slapping down the rhulk isn't the problem.  The problem is doing it fast enough to not loose 75 pnts while earning 28
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Carol and SWitch got me to 834. I did swap Wanda out for Rhulk for the final fight to put me over 900, but with boosts, I think Carol and Wanda could have handled it.

    I have 15 4* champs, but luckily (thanks BHs!) one of them is the red rage monster. Still, fighting Rhulk when you have DD's excellent stun and Carol's amazing nuke is not that bad.
  • KinDM
    KinDM Posts: 72 Match Maker
    You could also get by with Carol and Coulson, which is what I used despite having a couple 5*s built, and he is at least buildable. But, yes, I feel your pain with PvP. 
  • dave7099
    dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Tried everything I had.  Even went to just whaling.  I could only get opponents worth less then 30pnts.  Got to 896 at one point for about a quarter of a second
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    How many unique opponents were you seeing in a skip cycle while shielded? How many skips were you giving yourself to find a new batch of targets to hit? 

    How many matches were you trying to do between unshielding and reshielding?

    Its obvious you were targeting above your float point, so maybe there's some more info you can share that we can make suggestions around.... 
  • dave7099
    dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I guess I'm pretty raw at PvP then because I don't know those terms.  I pretty much get to 700 and float taking a few hits until I make another run as far as I can get.  Could you give me some advice on what I should be doing?
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    First we need to know,
    1. What slice do you play ?
    2. When do you usually do your 'final run' ?
  • dave7099
    dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I play in S2 most of the time. 

    If I have at least one decient boosted 4 I make a run at about 2.5hrs remaining. 

  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    First of all, S2 tends to have lower pts than other slices. That is why you see only 30-ish pts targets. Try S1, S3, or S4.

    Secondly, never ever try to push for 900 within the last 3h in any slices. I don't know much about S3 or S4, but I can push for 900 relatively easy in S1 at around 24-18h mark with a 4* roster. Sometimes, I have to shield up around 850 to look for targets.

    Hope this help.
  • dave7099
    dave7099 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Thanks for the advice. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I think your biggest problem is trying to climb in the last three hours. Lots of last-minute climbing happening there.

    For what it's worth, that used to be my style: start in the last 3 hours of slice 4 or 5, get to 400 (then 575 as my roster progressed) and shield out. Anything above that wasn't worth the grief. 

    Then I switched to slice 1 and would start with about 24 hours left and try to climb in an off-peak time. Sometimes I can get to 900 without even getting attacked, or only attacked once or twice. Then I shield out for the rest of the event.

    I end up spending a little more in shields than just the one three hour shield, but get farther in progression, placement and generally have much less hassle all around. 

    I still had some back and forth in Blind Justice and had to shield above 850 and let some retals bounce off before getting above 900.

    All this is a relatively recent development. This will likely be the first season I will hit the 10K full progression, and that's chiefly due to hitting at least 900 in each event (except for Behold Healthpacks... I mean Behold Thanos).

    Try playing in different slices at different times to see what works best for you. That was the most impactful change for me, I think. But definitely try avoiding your final climb in the last three hours in any slice. 
  • dstann
    dstann Posts: 55 Match Maker
    There is always a bigger fish, I have both Carol and RHulk and that doesn't mean I don't get attacked.  I think it more along the lines of what others have said, it is more about timing and a bit of luck
  • FokaiHI
    FokaiHI Posts: 272 Mover and Shaker
    You might even try slice 5. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    S1 is my favorite as well. I start within 4 hours of the event starting and climb to 650. I shield there for 24 hr. I don't like losing points, it's not necessary to shield here you just end up with extra work on your final climb. At some point between 12-24 hours left climb to 900 shield out. My method required 2 24 hour shields, but gets you 900+ and in s1 usually good for t25. Once I got t10. Another t50
  • Demiurge67
    Demiurge67 Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    dave7099 said:
    So here I am, mid 4* roster, 16 4* champa .  My ws 5/5/2 so I'm trying to go hard to get 900 to get that last red cover from dd PvP.   For 2 days I've gotten to 850ish only to get slapped back down.

      So today with a couple hours left I say eff it and decide to whale my way there.  I can't even whale fast enough to make up for what I'm loosing while I'm fighting!   Terrible.  So what I've discovered is I need both Carol, AND rhulk to even compete in this.  Well I have Carol.  So I need rhulk covers, great! Oh wait, you can't pull them anymore. 

    How broke is this? You need something to compete in the game that you simply can't get anymore.  
    "Whale" as in use Deadpool whales? Hopefully as a TU. Putting a 2nd 3* out is asking for it.

    You need to "whale" in a different way. With HP. By shieldhopping.

    Once a hit comes in, it will be followed by more. Shield up to weather the storm. Run back out when it's quiet. Repeat.
  • Dwayne_W
    Dwayne_W Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    What does the slice term mean?
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Dwayne_W said:
    What does the slice term mean?
    The end time; from top to bottom, S1 to S5.