Activity list

Sometimes it's fun to log in and get 12 pop-ups when you log in the day after events finish... and sometimes it's not. After the 8th one I start asking "How'd my alliance do?" or "Did I place high enough to get that cover I wanted?". It would be great to have an Personal History list that you can refer to, rather than a series of pop-ups that are then gone forever. The Doctor's Order's summary is a step in the right direction, I'd just like to refine it so you can see both your own and your Alliance's performance over multiple events. A selectable icon like that for your Alliance, that brings up a list of those events you've completed, with a quick graphical summary of your rewards. For example:

Doctor's Orders - Personal Finish 16th place
Rewards: 2500 {Iso picture} 100 {HP Picture} {Classic Magneto Red Cover}

It would make it a whole lot easier to see why I'm up to 8000 Iso, but missing my Mags covers.
