Pull (Most) of My Hoard

spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
Wanted to get feedback to see if I'm crazy to start pulling. My goal is to start getting fully covered 5* characters as I've already got 33 4* already champed and 2 5* (OML and PHX). I know that Starlord and Doc Ock aren't popular characters, but I don't know that I particularly care. I've got 4/12 latest 4* champed and sitting on 1M ISO, 2100CP, and 83LT. If Spider-Man enters the tokens before Blade leaves (he's one of my 4 champed) I thought that would be the best time to start pulling as I can get some champ levels for him. Figure I can pull as many tokens until I can no longer champs a 4* and then just continue to only pull the rest when I have ISO to champ. Figure I'll have time to continue to pull tokens and collect the needed covers Starlord, Doc Ock, and Spiderman before Starlord leaves. Does this sound reasonable or should I just wait until I have enough ISO to champ all the latest 4*?


  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would say it's not the most reasonable thing to do. Of the current latest only Spiderman seems good (maybe even great). Since you've already hoarded for a long time waiting a bit longer to see who will join the party next should be achievable. If that means you will miss some 4* covers for champion levels - that shouldn't worry you too much.

    You can also ignore the existing latest and hoard just Tokens. Open the classics to cover the 4* while you will add some covers to the older 5*. But I wouldn't blow the hoards doing that - rather occasional pull or five.

    Also one final note - you have about 180 Latest pulls in your hoard. It's probably not enough to cover all 3 5* - one more reason to continue with the hoard.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    1 million ISO is way too little. That's barely 2 4* and 1 5* character.

    Also, how are the other 8 latest 12 covered?

    Chances are, you'll pull quite a few 6th covers for characters who you don't yet have 13 covers for. Then you have to decide on whether you let those covers go to waste, or continue pulling for that 13th cover and risk wasting more covers.