Suggestion: Alliance Features

dhaarga Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
A few small Alliance management tools would be very very useful.


Rank 0 - Commander (guild master)
Rank 1 - Officer (can do most things a Commander can do to manage a guild)
Rank 1 - Veteran (core group - players who have been with you for a long time)
Rank 2 - Regular (main player base)
Rank 3 - Newbie (trial basis new players)

The Commander can promote people to a higher or lower rank as needed.

Helps you manage things. For example, you can have a policy such as New Players removed after 3 days inactivity, Regulars after 14 days, and Veterans after 6 months. Managed mentally not automatically, but would be nice to have that list.

Guild Message of the Day:

Ability to set one so you can share policies, what kind of people you see, what you want to do.

Player Status Messages:

Players being able to set something like "Away for 2 weeks" or "intermittent only this weekend" or "plays on and off" or "Hi there :)"

More Statistics:
Statistics like contributions in terms of game play or just a scoreboard for fun.

Alliance Levels & Rewards:

Would be fun and nice to have an Alliance that gained levels and benefits along with it for each player.


Level 5 - 1 Hero Point / Day
Level 10 - 1 Normal Token / Day
Level 15 - +2 Hero Points / Day
Level 20 - +1 Hero Points / Day
Level 25 - +1 Normal Tokens / Day
Level 30 - +2 Hero Points / Day
Level 30 - +2 Hero Points / Day
Level 35 - 1 Elite Token / Day
Level 40 - +2 Hero Points / Day
Level 45 - 1% increase to Point Rewards from PvE Missions
Level 50 - 1 Heroic Token / 7 days
Level 55 - +2% increase to Point Rewards from PvE Missions
Level 60 - 1 Command Point / Week
Level 65 - 1 Heroic Token / -2 days
Level 70 - 5% increase to Iron Man random drop
Level 75 - +2% increase to Point Rewards from PvE Missions
Level 80 - 1 Heroic Token / -2 days
Level 85 - +1 Command Point / Week

Total at Level Cap:

10 Hero Points / Day (70/Week; 300/Month)
2 Normal Tokens / Day (14/Week; 60/Month)
1 Elite Token / Day (7/Week; 30/Month)
1 Heroic Token / 3 days (10/Month)
1 Command Point / Week (4/Month)
5% Increase to Iron Man random drop
5% Increase to Point Rewards from PvE Missions

PvP is intentionally missing to keep things balanced for all players and not be affected by Alliances but a player's own skill and roster.

Everyone would start at Level 1. No back dated benefits from anything.

Alliance Disband in a Level-based Alliance

In the above Level-based model.

An Alliance can be disbanded by the Commander currently.

To suddenly avoid losing all the benefits of an Alliance after putting all the time into leveling it to a disband. How about preventing that as follows.

  1. Guild can't be disbanded after a certain level (Level 20 above).
  2. After that level, Commander can only step down or leave.
  3. If they do either, they have the choice to appoint someone else as the new Commander. 
  4. If they don't appoint anyone the system automatically promotes the Officer that has been in the guild the longest and Active till people can sort things out themselves.
  5. If they leave the Alliance and if they also created the Alliance originally, they can choose to take the name with them (reserved for 3 weeks). They leave behind an auto-generated temporary name that a new Commander can set within 2 weeks and reset within 1 week after that. Or some such.

Inactive Commander

Removal of Commander
If an Alliance Commander is inactive for 1-year then the Commander gets automatically demoted and if they were the original Alliance creator the name of the Alliance automatically changes. The Officer who has been in the guild the longest gets promoted to Commander. If people decide differently they can always swap positions.

Edit: Incorporated/Adapted Suggestions from below


  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I think there should be a level above commander that would be like the main person in charge. Then commanders help with administrative duties like accepting players in, kicking when needed, etc. Would just be nice if there was a way to demote commanders if needed instead of having to go thru CS. 
  • dhaarga
    dhaarga Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Or just keep Commander as Commander and add Officers. :)

    An Officer Level would be nice to have.

    In case of a perpetually missing commander maybe or people disbanding alliances and not lose Alliance benefits.

    Remove disband guild after reaching a certain level say level 20 above.

    Also an auto-demotion after a year of inactivity for a commander. And each of the Officers has an option to order all the officers in ranking of most preferred to least preferred commander. And then the one with the most points (most frequently ranked higher) would get the Commander title.

    Going to incorporate this above.