Is there a list of past 4 star PvE progression rewards?

TheSeven Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
The reason I ask is that I want to anticipate what the next War Machine PvE progression reward should be.

I'm looking at a Taco Vault with both a green and a blue War Machine cover in it. My War Machine sits at 4-4-1. I don't want the blue cover if we're expecting the next progression reward to be blue, but if they've already done red and blue, then I can reasonably expect the next progression reward to be green and getting the blue won't hurt me. Did we maybe have a boss event when we should have gotten his last progression reward? Maybe green got skipped and I should expect red next?

Thank you for any information.

Please forgive me if this information is obvious and I overlooked it.


  • Sendikelm
    Sendikelm Posts: 51 Match Maker
    PVE: Hearts of Darkness (2017-01-23 to 2017-01-26)
    position: 1-5 G, 6-10 R and U
    PVE: Venom Bomb (2017-01-26 to 2017-01-30)
    progression: R

    PVP Iron Fist - 3/10/17
    position: G and R
    PVP Luke Cage - 3/12/17
    progression: U

    PVP Thanos - 7/11/17
    position: G and U
    PVP Spider-Man - 7/13/17
    progression: R