The Sinister Six Event Feedback - Developer Request



  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    at round 6 carnage was spamming 4000 damage attacks and sand man was doing almost as bad.  Average health of a three star is around 2.2 boss abilities.
  • zulux21
    zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2017
    at round 6 carnage was spamming 4000 damage attacks and sand man was doing almost as bad.  Average health of a three star is around 2.2 boss abilities.
    that is part of the reason why I said until round six.

    but even then it just took a bit of planning. My usual 3* team is KK + Ironman 40 + Mags or Cap. I didn't even try Cap I wonder if he could have just overridden Doc OC's stuff.

    anyways. you collect AP on the first enemy and when casting recharge and red and blue moves KK fully heals your team. It's not that hard to deal with 3 bosses when you have AP advantage and full health each time going into the second and third rounds. KK heals a like 900 health per move fired. If you choose cap you get to constantly have red and blue moves firing to keep healing your team (granted cap's blue wouldn't stun anyone but it would still heal your team and get you blue AP back after a few turns)

    carnage and sandman would be a pain if they were first, but they should have been easy to deal with if they weren't first.

    to deal with doc oc I would just use KK's purple to turn a bunch of stuff green until I could 4 match oc's tile away.

    beyond all of that though, a newer player isn't expected to do much after the first couple rounds.

    there is a reason the rewards go with a few 3* first then finally the 4*s. The 4*s are more for the higher level players that can handle them. I mean don't get me wrong, it sucks a bit to not be useful, but at the same time even if you only get through the first 5 rounds that is still what a token +3 3* covers + a 4* cover for a 3 day event which is solid for a newer player.
  • Urcookin
    Urcookin Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    purplemur said:
    I gave the event high marks and liked it more than the usual Alliance/boss events. 
    I liked that I could clear both sides, whereas in civil war its kind of a trade off of which rewards are personally relevant. and have to just focus on that side(in my heart :team cap.) 
    I liked that the bosses were different as bosses than as playable toons.
    -Venom especially. I just am glad that he is getting better represented in game. Blade red wrecked his day
    -Carnage was fierce! nasty as he outta be! the good doctor gave him 50cc's of faltline and TCB
    -Doc Ock was the most puzzley and on the rounds I forgot to pack GSBW It was stressdown reactor meltdown!
    -Vulture didn't do much, we'll have to see what his release is. but if he has similiar triggers, him and Gwenpool/Colossus black seem tasty
    -Sandman: went down with some Luke Cage hadukken! but that AoE hit hard! 
    -goblin was just goblin as far as i could tell(not rostered) but whenever he forced his Goons to lay quick strike tiles I barely limped outta the node

    I think it suffered from the usual scaling acceleration problems. The newbs in my casual public alliance just couldn't hang and pretty much gave up after the first few rounds which went by quick. So two of us scored 3.5mil combined and the rest were at a couple thousand. and I get it; why throw yourself at a brick wall with a 2* roster?

     I think a solution would be to have the scaling/Round increases tied to personal progression, with Alliance rewards being a gauge of overall strength. I can be fighting rd6/7 and some of the others can be chipping in their 10-15k at 2/3 as they are able. Being that we missed a carol cover by a couple hundoK(the one I would need to champ her!) I wish there was more involvement from the smaller rosters in my Alliance. 

    While I was all about the Carol covers(she's almost there!) I do think some webby friends would have been nice as awards, diversity is key: 3* spidey, SpiderGwen AND Miles should have been earned, or conversely a venom AND carnage. I think the redux will let us cover Vulture. 

    How about a higher ceiling for personal progression prizes? just one more threshold(like 2 mil) and earn an ACTUAL 5*! 

    Good job, keep up the fresh content

    p.s please take ANOTHER stab and making spid3rman and venom actually good

    the Devs should figure a way to allow nodes to be tied to your roster. Half of my alliance is pretty new and they simply can't do anything after about 2 rounds. If they could simply get easier clears and the bosses be somewhat easier they would stay in longer. It's truly sad to see half your group quit while 8 people carry the other 12 players.
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought it was fun enough and the difficulty level was right, but:

    1) The rewards were sub-par. ~250 - 500 ISO for beating a boss node feels like a slap in the face. Special event tokens should be given out like candy. I also reached maximum progression by the time we hit the sixth round. These rewards should have kept going and increased in value.
    2) I'd have liked to see more synergy between the event and the boosted characters.  
  • MalikDilshan
    MalikDilshan Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    Good i love this event.but boss levels too higher after round 5.Nice Rewards
  • Ezrius
    Ezrius Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I enjoyed Venom and Doc Ock because they felt more like a puzzle and, while they could get unfair if you didn't solve the puzzle or had bad luck, they were reasonable in difficulty.  Then again, I have Jean Grey, and she can make both a cakewalk with her purple.

    I hated Carnage.  He felt oppressive to me without really being interactive.  Him taking turn after turn after turn while I just waited for a chance to play actually somehow made me miss old-school Venom Bomb's attack tile Carnage.  That's impressive in its own right for all the wrong reasons.

    Overall I enjoyed playing this event probably more than any other I can remember.
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    edited July 2017
    I think it's been the best even debut we've had in a long while.  That being said, I REALLY think the tokens for round 8 need to be more like No More Guns tokens, guaranteed 5 with better odds at the featured.  Getting 3 4*s is not really a great reward considering the rarity of boss events and the difficulty to finish them.

    Also, a more gradual scaling from day 1 to 2 would make the event more accessible to all rosters.  Mine jumped from lvl 40 to lvl 387 or so.  Kind of excessive.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I wrote this in response to the survey, but wanted to call it out here. I discovered that my alliance is a little more casual than where I want to be, but I also don't have a problem with the fact that newer members on my alliance couldn't get above 200k themselves. That's fine, they're newbie teams and I want them to be able to have a home in an alliance with more experienced members and significantly stronger teams.

    For that, I don't mind being a workhorse and helping carry my alliance to higher stage rewards (I minded that some of the oldest members of our alliance didn't even put in half progression which is why I'm looking for a new home), but it started to feel really drudgy to do that towards the end with a whole lot of work for a particular 4 star cover - that was only important to me because it means I can champ that one later this week.Towards that, I'd like to see the later stage side node rewards increased so at least it felt like I and the few others in particular who were carrying the event at 1.5-3x personal progression scores were really getting something extra out of putting in all that work.
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    I really liked the event, and hope they don't heavily modify it when they run it again. That said, @animaniactoo made a point that I forgot to mention in my response to the survey. I, too, am in a more casual alliance with some newer rosters. That's fine; every time I think it's time to move on, work gets in the way and I have to back off the game for a week which means that T50 or T10 PVE alliances don't work for me... Since they don't, where I am is fine.

    But, what it does mean is that I scored more than double the individual progression just to get a third champ cover for Carol, and made an intentional decision NOT to grind for a chance at the last token. Why? Because I couldn't get any other rewards.... Once I beat the bosses the 5 times in round 8, there was literally nothing to fight for, and that was Saturday. I literally could have scored over a million extra points.

    If the devs change one thing about the next running of the event it would be this; add more to the progression rewards. Just adding a few 1000 ISO rewards (maybe leading to a second token for a ridiculously high total) would have held my interest.

  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker

    If the devs change one thing about the next running of the event it would be this; add more to the progression rewards. Just adding a few 1000 ISO rewards (maybe leading to a second token for a ridiculously high total) would have held my interest.

    @abominatrix - The primary reason I suggested the rewards be increased for the side/essential nodes rather than creating additional for progression is that I don't want middling rosters who could achieve personal progression as it is to feel shut out of being able to complete that and feeling like they completed *something* even if not the whole event. Increasing the rewards for what are also arguably harder side nodes as the event goes on also feels like rewarding sticking around to do THOSE, which I think would also satisfy people who took down the whole event in a day or so and then felt like there was nothing (much) to do the rest of the weekend.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Enjoyed the whole event , it was absolutely brilliant.
    Our alliance (casual) got every token except the last one. 
    Mainly because the boss levels were stupid, but I expected that. Last levels are always tough.

    Side missions were easy, bosses were problematic until the last level.

    It finally brought a somewhat fed up of the same old same old alliance together. If you cant raise your game for the boss events then you might as well quit.

    In closing, the only downside for me was the lack of ISO-8 but you already know that.
    Please, a Double ISO event at the double or you will lose us.
  • Urcookin
    Urcookin Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    I wrote this in response to the survey, but wanted to call it out here. I discovered that my alliance is a little more casual than where I want to be, but I also don't have a problem with the fact that newer members on my alliance couldn't get above 200k themselves. That's fine, they're newbie teams and I want them to be able to have a home in an alliance with more experienced members and significantly stronger teams.

    For that, I don't mind being a workhorse and helping carry my alliance to higher stage rewards (I minded that some of the oldest members of our alliance didn't even put in half progression which is why I'm looking for a new home), but it started to feel really drudgy to do that towards the end with a whole lot of work for a particular 4 star cover - that was only important to me because it means I can champ that one later this week.Towards that, I'd like to see the later stage side node rewards increased so at least it felt like I and the few others in particular who were carrying the event at 1.5-3x personal progression scores were really getting something extra out of putting in all that work.
    If you're still looking for a new home PM me. We're looking to add another strong teammate. I know this isn't the alliance board but saw you were looking for a new home with folks that play. We got all rewards but the last one because we are missing one more strong member. So if serious let me know. Would love to add you. 
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Urcookin said:
    If you're still looking for a new home PM me. We're looking to add another strong teammate. I know this isn't the alliance board but saw you were looking for a new home with folks that play. We got all rewards but the last one because we are missing one more strong member. So if serious let me know. Would love to add you. 
    Appreciate it - I've found a new home, but if it turns out not to work out, I'll check back in with you.
  • Urcookin
    Urcookin Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Sounds good, I think we found another solid teammate but if you are still looking let me know, we have several that aren't meeting the team requirements and I can kick if you seriously want to join. 
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    Feedback requested, feedback given. Will anything be altered for the rerun of Sinister 6 or as I like to call it The Alliance Killer?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think this event struck a pretty good balance.  There were two people in my alliance that were committed (myself and one other: each getting about 3 times as many points as the next).  That was enough to just complete the seventh round, which gave the main rewards I was after.

    So I didn't end up resenting the other members, and was happy for them to get the Captain Marvel covers.  The only thing I'd change would be to tie the difficulty of the side nodes to the round rather than just have it increase every day.
  • Jesus Jones
    Jesus Jones Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Loved it minus Carnage, just too over the top.  Probably my second favorite event right after the Dr. Strange, I really like that one.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards

    I enjoyed it ok. several suggestions:

    1. make progressions slightly higher.  personal was done in the second cycle and alliance was done in the third.  a little more challenge there would be ok, especially if...
    2. 24 hr flip on side node scaling.  that really should be smoothed out better (higher cycle 3 would be ok if cycle 4 didn't jump 150 levels).  especially for 12 regular nodes and 6 wave nodes a day. 
    3. the iso/hp/cp hit in boss events compared to normal pve is significant.  can we get something a little more comparable to normal pve resource production?

  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,968 Chairperson of the Boards
    zulux21 said:
    I trashed the event, the devs responsible and their ancestors. I know all you board people are running 30 champed 4s and multi champed 5 but that isn't everyone in the game. These boss alliance events are hurting progress of new players. They are causing alliance tension at least in my alliance 3 people were expelled because they could not score well.
    I think your issue might be with your alliance and not so much the event.

    who in the heck yells about it not being new player friendly enough but runs an alliance that is hardcore enough to be booting people just because they can't score well in an event?

    i'm in a pretty casual (though long playing) alliance. The top players have a handful of 4* champs (no one has a 5* champ, and no one has a 4* champ over level 293) most who have a 4* champ only have 1 or 2 and they aren't of good 4*s. Everyone in my alliance aside from 1 person hit the personal progression. The one person that didn't was not the person who only has 3* champs, he was in fact one of the first people to hit personal progression.

    None of the bosses were exceptionally hard until the later rounds. If you had issues with someone like doc oc (who was one of the easier bosses) it was because you were trying to brute force something that required a bit of finesse instead. 

    now if you want to talk unlock scaling, I am always for trashing that. but the actual bosses weren't that bad. They were easily handled by a 3* roster until round 6 or so. I can't say how easy they were for a 3* roster to deal with after that as i never bothered playing around with one after that, I just instead hulkbustered most things >.>
    Similar experience here: casual alliance with about 8 members with a bunch of champed 4*, 8 in 3* to 4* and 4 newbies (including a 1* to 2* transitioner). Heavy hitters bore the brunt of the event and it took us until the last few hours to clear round 8, but everyone helped as much as they could. As long as everyone plays, even if it's just chucking heroes at the bosses, the points will keep coming in>

    2 things I didn't like: Carnage was just a pain in the later rounds (either killing my team or just taking forever) and the scaling in the side missions was seriously off (who came up with that Lv400 Venom after a wave?), making it impossible for quite a few players to do anything from day 2 onwards.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Honestly I think Doc Ock was an example of a fun Mini game that needs to be taken out of they event structure and made something separate.  Played without Mr Fanastic or other forced tile move powers it is a nice puzzle game if not part of an event and a good example of what Puzzle Quest can be.  The game doesn't have to be 2 modes and nothing else.  Certain characters like Mr Fantastic and Gene Gray make him much too easy however.

    Sandman was just too brutal and obvious.  At higher levels there is no one character to counter

    Vulture didn't seem to even require a strategy.  I just ignored his tiles as they never seemed to effect play once.

    Venom definitely requires a rework.  He went from a tile vault (where you just use him to collect lots of tiles to kill the next real villain) to killer, very abruptly.  

    Green Goblin was much like Vulture although he did reinforce his minion's countdown tiles once of twice which caused some trouble but his summoning power removed any thought of strategy from the fight.  Killing minion hurts him but he heals when he summons more?  How does that make any sense?  Some thought needs to be given to making killing minions a useful strategy.

    As has been pointed out increasing level on side missions is a bad, bad idea.  I am in a small Alliance that never got past round 6 (I think we earned 2 4* covers) but the last day only 2 or 3 players could even play because the node were so high.  The side missions should go up as you go up on the rounds.  That only makes sense.  Who even thought that making them more difficult over time was a good idea?  Please slap them for me.

    If side missions get more difficult as you progress in Rounds better alliances will be challenged even on the first day.  Why punish smaller/weaker alliances which take longer to reach the same round?   Who is running this event Apocalypse:D