How fast did your alliance clear round 8? Sinister Six, 6July 2017



  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    Within 48 hours
    rocks52 said:
    Missing 2 people from this event, otherwise we would be fairly close to starting Round 8.  We're a casual alliance so we have from a complete noob up to a solid 4* champ roster.

    How do alliances finish these events so fast.  I thought side missions lock until the 8 hours are up.  Is there a way to unlock them earlier?
    when you clear a round the boss nodes open up again, so if enough people space out their completion properly you can make major gains very quickly in the early portion of the event
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Right but even after the boss nodes are beaten after the new round begins, the mission nodes are still locked correct?
  • PresidentDoom2020
    PresidentDoom2020 Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    Within 48 hours
    yes but still that's two free boss nodes and in the early part of the event if everyone is playing that's probably a way to blitz through several early rounds in the first hours
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Within 72 hours
    Lock and Load8 finished sometime earlier this afternoon, between 1 and 3 p.m. EST. It happened while I was in a matinee for Homecoming, appropriately enough. So a little after the 48 hour mark. 
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Within 72 hours
    About 5 minutes ago, so allowing for the delayed start time, about 58 hours.

    This is the first time we've finished round 8, at least since I've been a member.
  • Shalat
    Shalat Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    We did not make it through
    Looks like we will barely make it. Those finishing this within 24h are either cheating or they do not sleep
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Within 24 hours
    All though it was a fast clear, I thought the difficulty was in line with the rewards. If the event took longer and was harder to do, the rewards would have to be a lot more.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    We did not make it through
    My alliance is nowhere close to finishing round 8.  I'm still pretty happy with the result: we got the three Captain Marvel covers, and the LT I got for personal progression gave me a blue Spidey cover.

    My Captain Marvel is now fully covered, so I'm now in the position of deciding whether to continue trying to champ Agent Coulson, who I've got one cover waiting in the queue, or instead do Captain Marvel, who will have one from the next PVE.  I'm leaning towards Carol.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    On the last day, but we made it!
    We finished it just after the final reset.  Fairly casual alliance:  Usually we clear round 7 but not 8 on boss events.  Looks like so far 10 people hit max individual progression or beyond, with another 2 close enough they can probably do it if they play in these last for hours.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Within 24 hours
    Shalat said:
    Looks like we will barely make it. Those finishing this within 24h are either cheating or they do not sleep
    No cheating in my alliance, and we made it within the first 24 hours. I started the event 1 hour and 15 minutes in because I had to work and wasn't able to start immediately and we were already into round 5. After I woke up Friday morning we were done. Note that- I was sleeping!! We have full participation, everyone in my alliance finished individual progression. We do not cheat and we do sleep. Maybe you need to find a better alliance for these types of events!!
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,968 Chairperson of the Boards
    Within 72 hours
    sh81 said:
    I think its more the case of everyone in the alliance hitting it in good time.

    If you think about it, 20 people all hitting it when it opens, and again when they next get an opportunity, before the scaling really kicks in...

    .. its not actually that big a thing.   IF everyone gets involved.

    And, obviously, they are able to take on the bosses - though it appears reading this that most are.

    EDIT: I say this as someone who's alliance did it just inside 24 hours - but my previous alliance just didnt engage and never got past round 4 - participation is 90% the challenge
    Participation is indeed the key point: my alliance did it in 48h, 3rd time we've completed all 8 rounds of a Boss event, even with a few newbies (including a 1* player). Got to round 4 in the first few hours, then one more round after every refresh. Sure the big hitters did the heavy lifting, but the points gained by all in those first few rounds did make all the difference.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Within 24 hours
    I'm disappointed the official clear speed poll from the developers didn't include a "42 hours" option.
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Within 48 hours
    We ended up taking about 26 hours - needed that last sub-node refresh to finish it off.

    In hind sight, it doesn't seem like the Devs took into account that everyone got an extra boss battle per 8 hour refresh.  Past Boss battles had a single boss with 5 feeders, this one has 2 bosses with 3 feeder each. 

    Any alliance allowing the lower level players to hit hard and fast early on, while the higher level players only hit the bosses once each in the early rounds, and waited for rounds 4-6 to start using the feeders to get multiple battles against stronger bosses could have cleared the event quickly.

    I hit Max progression while my alliance was still in Round 7 - I've never had that before. I usually have to do multiple extra matches after we finish Round 8 to get there.