Convert hoard-by-necessity into 5*-building-hoard?

VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
edited July 2017 in Roster and Level Help
I'm in a sort of "forced" hoarding state right now because I'm out of ISO and I've got the next 6 characters leaving the vault champed already.  Since I'm hoarding anyhow, I've been wondering if I should just try to cover some 5*s.  That basically means spending 5 more cp per-pull for latest LTs and waiting for a better set of 5s in the pool.  I have zero interest in transitioning to 5* play, so I wouldn't actually spend any significant ISO on any covered 5*s, but they might be nice to have since I've got the hoard going anyhow?  On the other hand, I'd lose a lot of classic LT pulls and I'd probably have to continue hoarding for longer than I currently plan to.


  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    What have you hoarded? As you have the 4s that will leave over the next 3-4 seasons covered it sounds like you can wait and see as Starlord and Doc Ock are bad and are another reason to delay. Spider-Man looks good and if he is followed by two more good 5s and you can get to 260-300 latest pulls before he leaves I would go for the 5s. You can keep them max covered and unlevelled (although you may waste duplicate 5* covers). 
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I don't have anywhere near the recommended number of pulls for 5* covering (2-3k pulls, right?).  But it's only been a season and change so far, so probably multiply by 6 to figure where I'll be when my "necessity" hoarding is complete.  

    So anyhow, I'm currently at 810 cp and 37 LT tokens.  Which now that I do the math myself, only gets me to around 400 pulls after I multiply by 6.  So I'd have to hoard 5-9 times as long as an already long hoard?  Holy moley!
  • Sendikelm
    Sendikelm Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Recommended number of pulls for covering all latest 5* is 350-400. This is 50-60 5* covers overall. Should be enough.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm gonna be in the same boat as you VizMantis come December.  I hope you post your hoard results as I'm curious to see how yours goes as it may correlate to mine.
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Oh, now why did I think the recommended number was 2-3k pulls?  Maybe that was 2-3k cp I read?  Although that seems like it doesn't add up to enough.  Regardless, if 350-400 is the recommended number, maybe I'll go for it.  Sounds like Spiderman is good, here's hoping the next 2 are as well.
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    I'm hoping five Thor is great. I'm saving up for then just at 98 pulls right now. I think spidey will be gone by then but hopefully the next two are good or they do something to fix five star dilution in the meantime.