Grace4Good Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
edited August 2017 in MPQ Alliances
Our minimum requirement is hitting the max progression reward in Story Events and that's all- unless it's a special boss event or a new character release. We do need everyone to go for placement when a new character is released, so that is the only time we would expect our members to go above max progression. 

Most of our members compete for top 10 so hitting max progression rewards is fairly easy but if you need to take it EASY on an event then just hit the max progression for the team.

If there's a reason that you can't play then let us know so we can plan accordingly. Real life is much more important and we understand that sometimes the events won't be your primary focus. 

Our alliance is very laid back and we consistently place in the top 50 for story events. We have some members that are also very competitive in PVP but we don't require anyone to play PVP if they don't want to.

If you're someone who's focused on story events and wants to be a part of a solid crew that can complement your gameplay then pm me. 



  • Space Surfer
    Space Surfer Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Do still have a spot available?
  • Chris3112
    Chris3112 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    U guys still recruiting? Im a VIP daily PVE player, I believe i meet all the criteria listed above. Always hit the full points in every PVE events. Looking forward to be in this alliance