4* Boosted Synergy 6-29-17

Milk Jugz
Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2017 in MPQ Character Discussion
I'll preface this by saying I know there are very fast teams out there that don't require 1 or more of the characters to be boosted. However, I like using as many of the characters as I can in my roster. I do not play PVE as competitively as most, I'm happy with a top 50 placement if it means I don't have to run the same characters over and over and over and over..... Looking at you IM40/Peggy........ Also, having recently gone over the 50% mark on 4* champions I'm not in a hurry to use my 3*s anymore, so this post is strictly looking at the 4*.

That being said, this weeks boost list has shined on me as I have Agent Venom, Deadpool, Ghost Rider, and Nick Fury all champed. And the featured 4* character for Enemy of the State- Medusa champed.

On paper I'm going to run Medusa, Nick Fury, and Ghost Rider. This team offers a full rainbow of active powers. However, I may play with the other 2 characters to see how they fit. Initially I'm going to run Medusa 5/5/3, Nick 5/5/3, and Ghost Rider 5/3/5, but that might change as I see how they play together.

Medusa offers great passive damage when boosted, good burst heal, and ap generation for Nick's Demolition and Escape Plan and for Ghost Rider's Burning Rubber (and her own Hair Meddle, if needed). Ghost Rider has an underrated set of powers, IMO. I think he performs great in PVE. I'm a big fan of Nick's power set also, Demolition has to be one of my favorite 4* powers, even if it is hard to get the full damage. If you collect the ap to fire Avengers Assemble at full power it is quite devastating. And Escape Plan offers a nice set of things, plus if the CD survives a very powerful strike tile.

After EotS starts Thursday and I play through the first sub I will edit this post and break it down. I play slice 4 clearance level 8 for every event, so the update might not be until Friday morning to afternoon (US EST)


  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    I'll go for medusa, carnage, IF4 (boosted).
    Medusa+carnage will feed IFs Blue and Green. And IFs green will boost black. So 5/3/5 for him probably. 
    Missing only active yellow.
    Want to try IF boosted.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lukoil said:
    medusa, carnage, IF4(boosted) probably.
    Medusa+carnage will feed IFs Blue and Green. And IFs green will boost black. So 5/3/5 probably. 
    First, if I had IF4 champed I would be using him with Deadpool and Medusa and still have my full rainbow of powers, but he is my only nonchamp between the list and featured unfortunately. 

    Second, Medusa/Carnage man!?!?! Come on, get more creative!!!! I know Carnage makes candy for Medusa but that combo is so prevalent in shield sim. I want unique combinations!!!! 
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    Other team i consider - Cloak and dagger, IF4, and...Coulson? No red user, but otherwise seems good.

    I love medusa + carnage for their AP generation that enables other charaters with good blue/pink/green powers. IM40 also good in that regards but less reliable.
    Cloak and dagger good for passive black generation and coulson for all other AP shenanigans so that why I also consider that team.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    I agree completely, I ran (and will next season) Medusa/Carnage/Iceman in simulator. That is pretty close to god mode! So many 4 turn stuns, 8k punches, and whiteouts it's insane!!

    C&D will generate yellow or black for you depending on how you flip them. So with Coulson and IF4 you'll feed 1 each of their powers. I don't like the no red, but with everything going on you should be fine. I should note, I don't have C&D championed yet either, so that's mostly an "on paper" opinion. Let me know what you use and how it works. 
  • ValekBoss
    ValekBoss Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    How i still loved to be in 4* land.....In SIM all i see his 3x5* teams.
    Still that does not hold me back to use different team combinations in the lower levels of the SIM.

    One i really liked was  C&D, C4ge and Cap5: All are team Cap what gives extra AP with Cap his red, C&D creates yellow tiles or strike tiles (yellow for Cap his Avengers Assemble, stike tiles for Cap his Blue) C4ge is there just to be big bald and annoying.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
     I'm planning on mostly running Medusa, Hobo Fist and Agent Venom, all champed. There's an active on every single color, a number of passives, steady damage, one AoE and a range of nukes to choose from.

    Medusa will probably stay 4/5/4, unless I'm not playing against tile movers/special tile creators. Then I'll probably switch to 5/5/3 to maximize healing. 

    I'm thinking Hobo Fist will be 5/5/3 as well. That will maximize the strike tiles he creates to pair with Medusa's attack tiles. And I figure I'll likely use Agent Venom's cheap black before I save up for Fist's nuke. This build will let him maximize his green nuke and black AP generation. 

    Agent Venom stays 5/5/3. Quick black, red if I need it, yellow as a bonus. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I stuck with Medusa, Nick Fury, and Ghost Rider for the first sub. Medusa and Ghost Rider play really well together since they both play with attack tiles. Nick is just kinda there and, honestly, if I had Iron Fist champed I'd be using him in place of Nick, but oh well......

    Medusa 4/5/4 274 (379) Nick Fury 5/5/3 277 (374) Ghost Rider 5/3/5 276 (373)

    Everyone knows what Medusa brings to the table, she can hold almost any team together with burst heal and ap generation. I set her 4/5/4 because of all the Teisatsu in EotS, I want her to be able to steal their attack tiles. Not much else to say about Medusa everyone doesn't already know, she is great support to the team.

    I'm pleasantly surprised with Ghost Rider. Burning Rubber does 2988 AoE damage for 7 green ap and creates 2 319 attack tiles. It also has the condition that if there are 6 or more friendly attack tiles on the board it will deal an additional 952 AoE damage. This makes the Ghost Rider/Medusa combo much better and why I say they play nicely together. You can get almost 4k AoE for 7 green ap!! That's not too bad, plus it still creates those attack tiles. Hellfire is my least favorite of GR powers, it's not necessarily bad, I just don't really like powers that don't do initial damage and rely on a CD tile. But, if the CD survives, every 2 turns it deals 1522 damage and creates a 212 attack tile. Again, not bad, but not reliable. Penance Stare is awesome, but requires you to take damage. I use it to end a match if I've even taken damage.

    Nick Fury. What to say? I like him, I think his powers have potential, but they are SO EXPENSIVE. It just makes him really, really slow. His yellow "only" costs 12 ap, but to be fully effective you also need 5 ap in each red, blue, green, and purple. If you collect the full 32 ap to fire this at full power it's pretty devastating, but I did it twice in my entire initial clear. I like Demolition, it's devastating against tile movers, if they match a trap tile. But, also works against goons, almost more effectively as you can target it then. If you match a trap tile it still deals 1592 to the target. If they match a trap they all blow and deal 3183 times how ever many are out from the 7 it drops. You can also get this to double dip if the enemy matches a trap in a match 4 and then it destroys another trap in the same row or column not part of the original match. I've seen it take down 2 enemies doing that. Escape Plan does a few things pretty well, I like the damage 8056. But again, it's expensive at 12 purple. It also steals 3 of their strongest color ap and creates a 3 turn Cd. If the Cd resolves it turns into a 1344 strike tile. All in all Nick isn't bad, he is just slow for competitive PVE.

    I like this combination and I'm probably going to run it for the whole event.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Medusa/Hobo Fist and Blade (3* is featured, 4* i you want pure fours). There's lots of goons so its easy to keep reds on board.
  • ValekBoss
    ValekBoss Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    Wolarsen said:
    Medusa/Hobo Fist and Blade (3* is featured, 4* i you want pure fours). There's lots of goons so its easy to keep reds on board.
    Medusa-Hobo-C4ge....enough said.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Re-worked Riri (boosted) and Mordo with C4rol tore through the first day of Simulator.