How about making event decks persist when said event reoccurs?

stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
Say you do trial of zeal first battle (1.1) with your kiora. You make a deck for the objects and play the event. When toz comes around the next weekend and you open that node (1.1) it pops up a box saying "you used kiora last time for this fight do you want to use the same deck?" and if you hit no it just takes you to the normal pw selection. For events that lock the pw to the node, have the popup indicate that this is the only chance to reuse the old deck w/o building from scratch.

Side note: some kind of warning on events that lock pw to nodes would be nice.


  • nosada_kage
    nosada_kage Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    Yes I agree with this so much. I hate having to rebuild an event deck for every match in the event. I hate the limitations on cards. This is like the Standard format from the original game. I don't even bother playing events anymore because this is so annoying.
  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    I would like this feature to be implemented right now.