Why is cloak&dagger rated so low, man hes sweet.

oakenwall Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
edited June 2017 in MPQ Character Discussion
I put him on my favorit, just cause he seemed cool and got black passive creation but damn i didnt even know he makes yellow too when hes changed form. Holy **** you can get ton of free cascades a turn and makes sure both black and yellow are on board. Verry interesting character i allmost see none put on teams and the page that rate champions hes kinda low, which baffles me actually. Also if needed you can kill special tiles with his yellow but mainly i used yellow in my team for another guy. My C&D is 2-1-1 just but im hoping for more.

Another character i dont see much talk about is 3*rocket&groot, put him as favorit aswell, he seem to be just want i want.


  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    C&D are fun to use, but when it comes to the meta game, speed and damage are important. Second t that is self sustainability. That's why characters like Medusa (self heal), Blade (high strike tile generation), Carnage (fuel for Medusa) and so on get higher picks.

    As for R&G...they were great for a while, but soon newer 3*s started to overshadow them. Their green is okay for cascades, but damage is medium. Blue's strike tiles are again just kinda medium. He's a painful healer though.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I rank them pretty high overall. They'd be weak on their own, but the only time you're ever 1v1 is in the Crash of the Titans match.

    Put them with anyone that makes strikes and their purple will let you kill enemies with mosquito bites, plus they obviously generate black and yellow extremely well. Their only "meh" power is The Darkness Hungers, imo, but even that is helpful at times.

    Who said they weren't good? Granted, they don't one-shot entire nodes like a boosted Peggy or Rulk, but if that's the standard we're using then 90% of the tier is trash.
  • oakenwall
    oakenwall Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    C&D are fun to use, but when it comes to the meta game, speed and damage are important. Second t that is self sustainability. That's why characters like Medusa (self heal), Blade (high strike tile generation), Carnage (fuel for Medusa) and so on get higher picks.

    As for R&G...they were great for a while, but soon newer 3*s started to overshadow them. Their green is okay for cascades, but damage is medium. Blue's strike tiles are again just kinda medium. He's a painful healer though.
    Well i dont know how much damage they do since I have not enough covers to use him after the boosted event. Its mostly the green shake that im after.

    As for C&D, well im impressed with the good design of the character. My C&D is a bit low lvl but Im going to use them in my 3rd team or something..
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Pair them with coulson and some other character and you keep using their purple. 
    Spam that purple and coulson will spam cd tiles for some nice damage and AP generation.
    I like CnD a lot!! Usually my "other" is carol to make more use of the cd tile spam.

    Not a lot of colour coverage but you don't care when the opponents drop like flies
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purely a matter of availability.  C&d will eventually be seen as just a bit below medusa in terms of suport character rankings.  They add a ton of value in a single slot (true healing to save health packs, passive black and yellow gen, passive attack tile generation, enemy tile removal or decent aoe attack).

    But right now not enough people have access to champed c&d, so they are underappreciated.  I dont even think there has been a compromise community ranking created since c&d were introduced.

    3* r&g are decent; i even still use them a bit in pve as a 4* player to sage healthpacks.  But they are just not fast enough to he a pvp power team.  Blue is slow, and green is weak, especially at 3 covers.  Solid character, but still second tier in 3* land.

  • oakenwall
    oakenwall Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    ok sure this is my C&D post and i have great success with c&d, luke cage, human torch in the latest event where you have to use a boosted 2* 3* 4* but im gonna add some 3* rocket&groot info.

    Damn hes good in wave nodes, i put some iso into him and i melt goons with just matching because of him,
    He makes better support than dr strange and black widow for me in those nodes.. I dont focus on blue but i dont mind getting it early since the match damage gets unreal pretty soon(around 1k) where goons have 2-4k hp.

    I admit its probably because my dr.strange got **** skills like 5 purple 2 yellow and rocket has like 2 yellow, 2 green 5 blue but i have to do with what I got.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Grocket (3*) blue is one of the hardest hitting tile producers in three star meta.  If you can get them to fire off, it is usually match won.  The issue is of course it isn't cheap (11 blue AP?) and there is that countdown tile, so it is expensive for the possibility of tiles.  He is still a good character.  Someone like Blade though (3*) is seen as being better because he can put out strike tiles very easily at no AP cost and his other two abilities are both good.  Countdown tiles are always seen as inferior to direct damage and/or passives from an overall mechanics concept.  The devs have been trying to make countdown tiles more functional and useful with several recent characters (and have succeeded in many ways) but if you had the choice, you basically would go with guaranteed direct damage or passives that don't require AP etc.  
  • oakenwall
    oakenwall Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    yeah hes to slow in normal games but in wave nodes, you will make blue matches sometime and he gets the steamroll going. he doesnt really fight for the spot with blade either, they have completely different collors. I might try blade at some point but then i will have different characters with him than what I bring with rocket!

    team: luke cage, human torch,rocket&groot. (its great) 
    He basically fill the support slot for me. normally I use dr strange vs goons, but i change to rocket&groot in wave nodes.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Warbringa said:
     Countdown tiles are always seen as inferior to direct damage and/or passives from an overall mechanics concept.  The devs have been trying to make countdown tiles more functional and useful with several recent characters (and have succeeded in many ways) but if you had the choice, you basically would go with guaranteed direct damage or passives that don't require AP etc.  
    Depends. 4* Carol's passive is so good I happily pair her with Human Torch for a 5 AP countdown tile that expires every turn, even if it doesn't do damage.

    3* Countdown synergy isn't nearly there, though, so with that filter on (which presumably is what we would be using to examine 3* R&G) you're right, you would nearly always choose a power with an instant effect vs a very similar power that's tied to a Countdown tile.

    Embiggened Bash vs Come and Get Me is a pretty clean example of that.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't sleep on Cloak and Dagger's active black skill, either.  At five covers, The Darkness Hungers creates a fortified 7-turn countdown that reduces all of the selected enemy's skills to one cover!  This is particularly useful against high-level 4* characters and other boosted playable characters.  It does nothing to goons, though.

    in Combined Arms I was facing a level ~470 Hulkbuster whose red would do 3000 damage per AP and would have utterly wiped out Cloak and Dagger very soon.  Darkness Hungers dropped that to less than 800 damage per AP, changing it from a 30k hit to about 7k, which the duo had more than enough health to survive and could heal back from in just a couple turns.  On top of that, Hulkbuster's black and blue skills were both fearless effective as well, making the fight against a far higher level enemy much more manageable.

    Another great aspect of their black skill (this applies to Black Bolt yellow, too) is that the power affects countdown tiles that are already on the board.  So if Captain Marvel has a black countdown out that's going to do huge damage to you when it resolves, you can get this out and drop its damage even though it was already on the board.  Note that this will have no effect on countdown duration or fortified status, though. 

    Cloak and Dagger are great and have a really unique power set, their only real downside is that they're not super-fast on their own.  They take a few turns to ramp up, but for a prolonged fight they really bring a ton of options.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    In my opinion, the best build for C&D is 5/5/3.  You want maximum effect on yellow, obviously, but black really needs maximum duration and fortified status to be reliable, plus the attack tiles it creates are almost twice as strong as at 3 covers.  These are worth having the purple skill do a little less damage.
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I secretly hope that c&d will stay underrated :D

    I like her 5/5/3 too. Their yellow active in aoe mode deals the same damage per ap per target as Rulk's big clap. (c&d clocks in at 415 per ap per target, while Rulk clocks in at 408 per ap per target.)
  • grewhorio
    grewhorio Posts: 92 Match Maker
    In the previous PVP C&D were boosted (a month ago?) I think the 2 good options were otherwise K4te and Riri. I took C&D and barely made 900. Good for sustainability but definitely too slow. I should have swapped to K4te for the last few fights to get through quicker.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I use Cloak and Dagger to feed Agent Venom's black.