Return for selling a fully-champed 3*

Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
What is this, please? Not nearly able to do it but am curious and thinking/learning about farms.

Many thanks!


  • Elric_VIII
    Elric_VIII Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2017
    Well, I'm not at the level of being able to 3* farm yet, but if my 2* farm is an indication, the sale return is about 20% of the iso from leveling plus some HP.

    The real benefit of farming is that you get back all of the iso spent to fully level plus the "lost" iso from not selling X amount of covers, all in addition to HP/CP/Heroics/Legendaries/4*s.

    Basically, farming is a long-term investment. I was well into 3* territory once bonus heroes was introduced, so I only had 3 2*s, just for DDQ. It cost me a bunch of iso and HP to get roster and champ them, but I saw returns in the form of bonus CP/tokens after about 2 months. I don't know the timeframe for 3* farms, but the math checks out with regards to iso spent vs return.

    EDIT: looking at my roster, it seems like you get 25 HP per 5 champion levels. So I'd assume you get 500 HP from the sale. Plus you get 1000 HP over the 100 champion levels. You also get 200 iso per champion level plus the 25000 iso for a level 166 hero.

    So a level 266 3* champ will give you 500 HP and 45000 iso. And you will earn 1000 HP and 57500 iso over the champion levels in addition to the other rewards.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can answer this question as of today! (/humble brag)

    A 266 3* sells for 105000 iso and 500 hp.
  • Elric_VIII
    Elric_VIII Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Vhailorx said:
    I can answer this question as of today! (/humble brag)

    A 266 3* sells for 105000 iso and 500 hp.
    Huh, I guess the iso per level ramps up at the end. My highest is 211 and it follows my 25000 + 200/level formula.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Here's where they announced when they increased the max champion sale rates:
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    Great info. Thanks again. 
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    Vhailorx said:
    I can answer this question as of today! (/humble brag)

    A 266 3* sells for 105000 iso and 500 hp.
    Huh, I guess the iso per level ramps up at the end. My highest is 211 and it follows my 25000 + 200/level formula.
    it ramps up at 265-266
    265 - 500 HP and somwhere around 45k iso i guess
    266 - 500 HP and 105000 iso

    Same as 2* - they ramp up at 143-144 level
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calculated this back in an old 2* thread along with 4* and 5*

    Pongie said:

    Selling 3* = +105,000 iso8png
    Using 13 covers (which would have been sold otherwise) = -6,500 iso8png 
    Re-maxing the 3* to level 166 + champion fee = -127,419 iso8png 
    Using 100 covers to max a champion (which would have been sold otherwise) = -50,000 iso8png 
    ISO rewards for championing = +56,500 iso8png 

    Total: -22,419 iso8png

    Non-ISO rewards
    1500spideycoinpng = 500 spideycoinpng from selling, 1000 spideycoinpng from champion rewards
    2x heroic tokens (can equal 1,250 iso8png if sold)
    3x hero specific 4* (can equal 4,000 iso8png if sold)
    50 commandpointspng
    5x latest legendary tokens (can equal 5,000 iso8png if sold)

    Champion a 3* - 50 XP
    Adding 12 covers - 60 XP
    100 3* champion levels - 1000 XP
    3 4* champion levels - 60 XP
    Opening 2 Heroic tokens - 6 XP
    Opening 5 legendary tokens - 50 XP

    Total XP is 1226
    If you also spend the command points to open 2 more legendary tokens 20 XP