Proposed fix to player perceived character cover color biased pulls

Cmat64 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

First off, please understand I am not trying to rant and rave. 

I have been playing for 3 years and I love my alliance and the game. I just would like the token pull process not to be so blatantly color biased.

Here are some examples:

I pulled 5 straight yellows prior to pulling any other color then I pulled 12 more yellow Kingpin before I was able to champ him.

Same story with my Thing 5 Red right off the bat he is currently at 5/5/2 but 13 red covers to get there.  I set him as my bonus, yes you guessed it more red covers.

Iron Fist blue is the latest character that has me chanting my pull mantra "Not another dup please Lord, not another dup"

I can go on an on with the 4* dilemma but it is the 5* one that really bothers me to no end.

I used to have OML set as my BH but I had to change this to keep my sanity. 

My OML is currently at 1/5/3 and I have pulled at least 3 yellow OML covers from a straight pull or as a bonus since I received my 5th yellow cover. 

Thankfully I was able to sell two of them and pull new 5*'s with the NMG tokens due to his nerf. 

Considering how the average player needs to play so hard to even pull a 5* char from a token pull I would hope that the Devs would hear the cries of the player and fix the cover color pull ratio to keep us happily playing and looking forward to pulling our hard earned tokens. 

I propose for your consideration, adjusting these biases or at least reinstating the No More Guns tokens for duplicate 5*'s pulls.  You can make it a one time deal, (if you pull another dup for a different cover at least I would feel better thinking I had a second shot). 

Thanks for listening.  Further suggestions are welcome.