I've got to call **** on PVE vs 3*Thanos

Jesus Jones
Jesus Jones Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
I can't tell you the number of times that I've tried to pull of his Come and Get Me! move only to have it magically cascaded away with 1 tic of the CD tile left to go.  It's gone from a freak coincidence to an annoyance and now to flat out frustrating!!  I am not a conspiracy person, but this just can't be a random occurrence, I just witnessed this THREE TIMES in a row this morning!!


  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah me too. Even when it plops in a bottom corner it normally gets erased by a match 4
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    You actually think the devs wrote code specifically to make Thanos' CD get destroyed by the AI in some way?  Come on, you know they didn't, it's just bad luck.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, there's definitely conspiracy coding in the game. CD tiles that get destroyed out of nowhere by AI dumb "luck". Professor X getting surprise match 5s more often than any other AI enemy. I brought a Teen Jean with me in SHIELD Sim to counter Prof. She was in front when he got 3 match 5s in one cascade and got Brain Lasered to death before her passive could go off. Then there's the specific mission from Deadpool vs Heroes with him getting a surprise match 5 in at least half of the attempts at it, often leading into Nick's Demolition.

    Stupid conspiracy codes.
  • Jesus Jones
    Jesus Jones Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2017
    bbigler said:
    You actually think the devs wrote code specifically to make Thanos' CD get destroyed by the AI in some way?  Come on, you know they didn't, it's just bad luck.

    My normal trio is Carol Danvers, 3*Blade and SW, all of which at some point run CD tiles simultaneously, sometimes multiples of each and I never ever see them get marked for destruction at the pace that Thanos's CD tile does, it's not even close.  I've had games where I've had 2 of Carol's Photonic Barrage and they both reach the end from 5.  IMO that would be harder to do than 1 of Thanos's reaching the end from 3. 

    No I don't believe that it's been done intentionally, but I do believe that there is a bug making it targeted more than anyone else's that I've seen.

  • consumedfire
    consumedfire Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    I've had the same problem with my champed 5* Thanos. The AI seems to play much better when Thanos's green is out. But man it's powerful when it does go off.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    3-turn, randomly placed CDs are relatively fragile.

    Knowing this, take steps to mitigate the problem.  It only spawns on green, so wait until there are fewer green tiles on the board and no ready matches.  Bring along tile fortifiers like 4* cage or 5* HE/GG, or tile accelerators like Coulson or carol or hood if possible.  or board control characters like Lazy Cap or QS that can help you protect thanos' tile. 
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    zodiac339 said:
    Oh, there's definitely conspiracy coding in the game. CD tiles that get destroyed out of nowhere by AI dumb "luck". Professor X getting surprise match 5s more often than any other AI enemy. I brought a Teen Jean with me in SHIELD Sim to counter Prof. She was in front when he got 3 match 5s in one cascade and got Brain Lasered to death before her passive could go off. Then there's the specific mission from Deadpool vs Heroes with him getting a surprise match 5 in at least half of the attempts at it, often leading into Nick's Demolition.

    Stupid conspiracy codes.
    One of the most reliable things I can count on, in game, is when I'm playing a team that has Teen Jean...there's always a tasty match 5 waiting for me at some point. She's the only character it happens with every time  :D
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beer40 said:
    zodiac339 said:
    Oh, there's definitely conspiracy coding in the game. CD tiles that get destroyed out of nowhere by AI dumb "luck". Professor X getting surprise match 5s more often than any other AI enemy. I brought a Teen Jean with me in SHIELD Sim to counter Prof. She was in front when he got 3 match 5s in one cascade and got Brain Lasered to death before her passive could go off. Then there's the specific mission from Deadpool vs Heroes with him getting a surprise match 5 in at least half of the attempts at it, often leading into Nick's Demolition.

    Stupid conspiracy codes.
    One of the most reliable things I can count on, in game, is when I'm playing a team that has Teen Jean...there's always a tasty match 5 waiting for me at some point. She's the only character it happens with every time  :D

    That's so true.  Also, for me, an AI Juggernaut will always destroy all my special tiles with his green while also collecting enough red for a Headbutt next turn.  It's like clockwork... :)
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    ZootSax said:

    AI Juggernaut will always destroy all my special tiles with his green while also collecting enough red for a Headbutt next turn.  It's like clockwork... :)
    It's not always Headbutt, sometimes it's only enough green for another Unstoppable Crash.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Given how often cheating happens and how much info gets leaked pre-release, there's obviously datamining going on in the game. You don't think that if there was code to cause something like this (and I don't even know how you'd begin to do that in the first place), somebody would've found it by now?
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind said:
    Given how often cheating happens and how much info gets leaked pre-release, there's obviously datamining going on in the game. You don't think that if there was code to cause something like this (and I don't even know how you'd begin to do that in the first place), somebody would've found it by now?
    The code would be easy. It would be the equivalent of Riki's blue power but around the subject tile rather than the center of the board.

    I agree that there is tile distribution-distortion favoring the AI in many, many cases. The Jean issue mentioned above is painfully obvious. As is the Thanos green -- I've literally never had it count down.

    This is simple economics favoring the game and the sale of goods (mostly health packs, but everything, really). Also, there is no "rule" addressing it so why not implement it? It is no different than casino games favoring the house. Nobody questions the reality/existence of that...
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yepyep said:
    This is simple economics favoring the game and the sale of goods (mostly health packs, but everything, really). Also, there is no "rule" addressing it so why not implement it? It is no different than casino games favoring the house. Nobody questions the reality/existence of that...
    The "house advantage" for most casino games can generally be calculated from the public rules of the game.  Secretly subverting those rules (e.g. taking something that should have a uniform random distribution and biasing it) will generally get a casino in trouble with regulators.

    Yes, they could rig Juggernaut's moves so it secretly targets your special tiles, but do they need to?  As described, it destroys 16 out of 64 tiles on the board, or 25%.  If you've got multiple special tiles out, the chances are quite good that it will hit one: e.g. there is a 58% chance that it will hit at least one of IM40's three recharge tiles.  And since his powers only require two matches to charge, it isn't that unlikely that a lucky cascade will allow him to use another ability next turn.
  • csista
    csista Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    I'm definitely suspiscious of secret coding. A week of boosted Bl4de means a week of boards with hardly any red. At least half the time I play IM40 or Wasp, getting two simple yellow matches suddenly becomes a challenge. When playing 4* Cage, an overwhelming amount of black tiles so the protects have plenty of opportunity to get matched away quickly. Etc...   Maybe it's just coincidence, but at the rate examples like these seem to happen, I'm not so sure.