ISO8 Brotherhood Bracket vs Sub Bug?

KGB Posts: 3,436 Chairperson of the Boards
I didn't see any announcement from Brigby regarding changes for this event but I noticed something weird.

I joined SCL7 / Slice 5 with about 8 hours to go. When I looked at the leaderboard there were only 4-5 players who had done 4 clears and were waiting for a refresh.

I then started the daily sub and immediately noticed that 18 players had done 4 clears. I checked and only 4-5 of of them were in my actual bracket. The rest weren't listed at all. I've never seen that before where players in my sub were different than in my bracket.

By the time the sub closed I was T10 (5 clears) in the bracket but barely T20 for the sub which is impossible.

I see the same thing on day 2 with 20+ players already done 4 clears and yet I'm still T10 and I haven't finished my 4 clears yet.

Interestingly the missing players all seem to have what I would call veteran rosters (multiple 4* champs, lots of leveled 5* etc).

So are they putting those veteran rosters in different brackets for this event?

Anyone else seeing anything like this?



  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've seen those weird LB situations as well.

    But it usually all works out by the end of the event.

    Here is what I think is happening.
    The event LB and Sub LB don't refresh on the same cycle.  I.e. Sub LB is upto date but event LB is not.

    I assume your focusing on the LBs right around event end.  I'm not overly worried about a bug because the placement margins are super close now, and everyone is playing and changing their score.

    I wish we could see historical sub results.  It would make it much easier to track and resolve these discrepancies.

  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    My theory is, for PvE that you need to clear a node on the main sub like Iso Brotherhood, you won't get put in the sub bracket until you actually join the sub (clear a node in the main). In this case, some people in the op's bracket may not start the sub right away and the bracket is filled with people from different main brackets instead.

    Just my guess.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Years ago, the brackets for events and sub-events weren't linked.  But they switched to the current system because it was impossible to tell how you were doing in the sub-event relative to the other people you would be compared to in the main event.

    If they were going to reintroduce that system, I would have expected there to be a news post about it.