Thank you developers/publishers, for breaking my addiction

Magnet Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
To whom it may concern,

Thank you publishers/developers for all your time and effort in creating an awesome game, then smashing it to a pile of tinykitty before my very eyes. I feel much better after removing this from my life and my wife thanks you too. If you're asking yourself, why? Read on...just remember...opinion folks, opinion.

If the upcoming wall of text is too much for you, I'll make the next few statements explain it all.

Publishers/developers are focused on money and not the players or player experience, rewards now suck, playtime has become grind-time, card library tinykittyed, community requests ignored, substantially increased real money costs, obfuscating in-game currency, bugs that never end, poor development and implementation (big subject), incapable customer service, and removing QB.

I could have kept going with QB.

QB is what had me addicted; what a great arena that was. Constant running battles (at my leisure, not their's) where anything goes and decent rewards go to those with the best decks and strategy, as it should be (no, I don't own Olivia or Pig or insert OP winning card here). Not this tinykittyed training grounds, with a pathetic reward system. My current #1 theory on QB going away is, you guessed it, money. Remove QB = less servers active all the time = more money. Done.

That's the short of it. Read on if you have a few minutes and like reading rants.

Steps onto soapbox...

What a poke in the eye to implement standard instead of just doing the work to make a good and balanced card system.

I see two possible reasons for this (which really boils down to one):

1) "I know how we can make more money from this with very little work. Make the old sets unusable so everyone has to buy new cards!" Great idea...mumble tinykitty mumble..."Tell them it's to 'balance the player base', they'll buy that."

Note to devs: unless limits are put on the amount of cards players can buy (when bacon flies) or implement a RANKING SYSTEM BASED ON THE CARDS THEMSELVES IN THE CURRENTLY USED DECK, it will always be unbalanced. Duh.

2) "It'll be a lot of work trying to balance all these sets together, why don't we just restrict the active sets so they don't play together anymore?"..."Great idea,"..."It'll save a lot of money if we don't have to fix all these broken cards/sets so they work well together." Development Easy Mode.

And yes, it's a business, they exist for the sole purpose of making money. So all good decisions for them (I assume). For myself and some others? Not so much.

Here is usually where people chime in with a) "But they do it in the paper version, get used to it," or b) "It encourages deck-building, that's fun and fresh!" or my favorite, c) "It's best for the long term health of the game."

Let's hit these one at a time, shall we?

a) No, I won't get used to it. I can choose not to participate in a tourny and play whatever I'd like when playing MTG with friends, can't do that here. Cards are still relevant and awesome no matter what WotC rules. A toggle between 'All' and 'Standard' was needed long before this standard forced it's way onto us in that dark alley.

b) Yes, choosing to build a new deck can be fun and fresh. 'Choosing' is the key word there, being forced into most anything isn't fun. Additionally, being able to actually build a viable deck in Standard would be awesome if not for the unending dupes, requiring vast amounts of good luck or money. Trade my old cards in for new, at one to one? Sign me up.

Let's make some analogies, shall we?

Self-induced tinykittying
"Please, give me that race car in the back; the one that's belching smoke and seems to be made of garbage, I want a real challenge." Um, no thanks. Give me the Formula One racer at the front, I feel like winning instead of never finishing. Good for you, not me.
"I pick Tuesday night, when the local high school band plays for the opera. I'm tired of the London Philharmonic, they're just too good." Yikes. Have fun with that.


Forced tinykittying
"Sir, I know you paid-high-dollar/worked-hard for that Limo, but it's just too nice compared to most others. You're going to have to drive with everyone else until you work-up-to/pay-for the Limo again or until everyone else has a Limo too, then we'll change the rules again." Ugh. Being at the mercy of others can really stink.
"We've locked down your desktop PC abilities, it's just too hard for the new people starting this game; you're system is just too fast, they can't compete." Good, I should be beating them for putting time/effort/money into my rig and game-play. They should do the same and stop tinykittying all over everything. Here, have a tissue, put your big boy pants on and mean it. Just a casual player? Quit and go find a casual game. Stop joining hard things, then complaining it's too hard just to get the rules changed...just pick something else for tinykitty's sake. Everybody can't win. Not everyone should get a trophy.

c) And lastly, you know what's best for the long term health of this game? DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME and FIXING WHAT ISN'T RIGHT. People make mistakes, own up to them and fix it instead of running away. I bet if the devs had asked the following before the current tinykitty, "Would you rather have standard or fix the broken cards/sets?" the game would be in a much different place right now.

Extra points to D3 for this diversionary argument:

"The new dupe system is going to be awesome!" (build a moon base anyone?)

No it isn't, actions over the last few months have shown me they want to cut everyone's ability to increase a card collection by playing well or investing time. They want your money = cut rewards, time increases, card packs smaller, blah blah blah so most have to shell out piles of cash to be viable. Eventually, the OG player base will be chipped away until the majority of players are newer and see only the tinykitty system that is in place now and continue to buy, ignorant of the good ol' days.

Why not decrease dupe rates instead of creating a whole system to deal with dupes? (don't confuse with drop rates). I found this a little out of character since they chose the work version here instead of Easy Mode. They had me a little confused for a while on this one, but I came around.
1 token = common, 3 tokens = uncommon, 6 tokens = rare, 10 whole tokens = mythic, wow...15 tokens = masterpiece, nice.
Oh, a regular booster pack costs 100 tokens, lame. But that's okay, I can buy more tokens with real currency to close that 12 token get more dupes.

And just to drive that last nail in...

"Something went wrong..." tinykitty, blargh, grrrrrrrrrr
Lost too many matches over the last few weeks to this message with no sign of it being fixed and no explanation as to why this is happening. I'm tired of winning but told I still lost because they didn't 'see' it happen, feels great. Almost rage-smashed my phone with the last one. Top ten for the 1st time ever! I was so happy I was dancing and whistling in my backyard, I finally did it! round..."Something went wrong," 3 in a tinykitty row! Dropped to over 100. Clowns. Last straw.

As a regular human gamer that likes a nice challenge and a good gaming experience, I'm out.

Exit soapbox left

Good luck everyone, I really hope this game is still enjoyable for you. Wish it was for me too.

Sad ex-player


  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor

    Not to stomp on your rant, but you are literally thrashing at D3H for changes that the community has been asking for.

    a) Crafting system = Community demand

    b) Standard rotation = Community demand

    Also, regarding the frequent crashing, have you checked your device?  I have literally not crashed since.... maybe 4 months ago, if that.  You have to understand that it's not easy to build an application that will work on every single combination of device with every version of operating system, etc.

    Regardless, sad to hear you're not enjoying the game anymore.  Take a break and come back later.

  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    Steeme said:

    Not to stomp on your rant, but you are literally thrashing at D3H for changes that the community has been asking for.

    a) Crafting system = Community demand

    b) Standard rotation = Community demand

    Also, regarding the frequent crashing, have you checked your device?  I have literally not crashed since.... maybe 4 months ago, if that.  You have to understand that it's not easy to build an application that will work on every single combination of device with every version of operating system, etc.

    Regardless, sad to hear you're not enjoying the game anymore.  Take a break and come back later.

    Please do not mstake the systems we ask for with the ones D3 implemented. Standard format forced onto all competitive events is Not what we wanted. The only time you can use your old cards now is in non-competitive events like Training Grounds, Trials of the Planeswalkers and Story-mode type PvE weekday events.

    I will bet you $10 that the dupes conversion system will be badly implemented and will be tinykitty when they launched it at the end of June 2017 as the launch time they stated. It will not be a good system for the players. D3 recent track record with all patches from v1.10.2 points in that direction. 

    Even the recent patch v2.1.2 has to break the most basic system that was working since launch: the card packs opening is now bugged for many players that problem service tickets have to be cut.

    p.s. I am still waiting for the extra compensation lakestone said they will give for the v2.0 patch fiasco. But I don't have much hope of seeing that happen anytime soon. 
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 559 Critical Contributor
    Well not quite.

    a) community demand = another use for dupes                                                        besides rune conversion
     *Yes, I know that crafting was suggested

    b) community demand = partial community demand
    *Not everyone wanted this

    You can't give everyone everything they want. Whether it's in this game or in real life, someone's going to get disappointed.