Puzzle Warriors 3: Ep#93!



  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    - ah, live stream, ripped from YouTube. no frills, the way I like it
    - uh oh, tread lightly there Craig with those spoilers!
    - Last weekend was 'Wonder Woman Day' which is why the comic shop was extra friendly to ya
    - if you are an Amazon Prime member, the first two trades of Star Wars, Darth Vader, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ms. Marvel, Iron First and a few others are available for free
    - That Eddie Brock Venom vs. Carnage Crash really shines a light on how terrible he is
    - Jane Thor vs. Ragnarok, a bit easier, but MAN does the CPU play a different Rags than I have rostered
    - Craig said that so quick, it sounded like he said 'Meat Grocket' so there ya go!
    - They said they were increasing the rewards for seven day PVEs, so this is a delightful turn of events
    - Did I miss you guys saying what comic con you're talking about?
    - Oh boy, if ONLY it was Kang the Conqueror! But it ain't...
    - That is WILD you guys got popped by ASCAP for last week's song
    - The Jane Foster Thor book is REALLY good, but anything written by Jason Aaron is a five star minimum in quality
    - My Back in Black Spidey is a sad 2/0/1. Sad because Spider-Man is may favorite and I want more!
    - hashtag Take Web Dough
    - My spread sheet has daily resupply info up to 1329, if curious, the heroic 10-packs seem to hit about every 55 days, FYI
    - My vine is two 4 star Gamora covers I have a week left one, and 355,000 ISO to get to!
    - my reward of the week was TWO Bag-Man covers!
    - Now, see, that's a good clue!
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2017

    Funny thing, I closed the 1ntarw3bz and went to bed before willie lumpkin made his appearance, so I only heard my 15 minutes today.

    Craig was NOT the only one who got the rent reference, because it was funny.

    Does anyone else find it funny that the whole point of going to Miramar in Top Gun was to get pilots away from the crutch of using missiles, and like, the WHOLE MOVIE everyone was using missiles?

    As far as BSSM, I believe that he used to be amazeballs when everyone and their sister was teaming Old OML and Pheonix together, when he was probably run at 3/5/5? Since the advent of Thanos and Black Bolt, with their AOE and lack of strikes, combined with Spidey's high cost powers, I feel like he isn't nearly as valuable as he used to be(hence the reason for the question last week).

    Best clue ever.

  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2017
    When the meta was all about strike tiles, BSSM was king.

    Thanos don't *care* about Strike tiles. Neither does T'Challa, Hawkeye, or even Pete / Steve / Tony / Bruce / Natasha.

    Now that Doc Ock has strike tiles, it makes SENSE that Spidey should have passive avoidance of those strike tiles. And it makes sense that he should be able to avoid the tentacles because of stuns - that it makes him invisible, too.

    *Removed profanity - Ducky

  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    Right, something came out of the wayback machine today.

    Long ago, in a podcast far, far away, Ian(?) mentioned something about OBW and her best build being 5/3/5. Whist I was in twostarlandia, I ran her the same. By the time I had sold and re-rostered her post-championing, I decided to give the consensus a try and change her to 3/5/5, and boy howdy. She might steal a bit less, but when I factor in both a reduced cost for purple and more heal/cd-extension on her blue, there's really no turning back.

  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --"She-Thor?" Really? (Ahem.)
    --I'm still about 100,000ISO short for the Mordo cover that expires in 3 days. If I don't end up using what I've saved for him then I'll use it for A-Force Carol and Eddie Venom who also have covers dying on the vine.
    --Reward of the week? Well, I did receive another Bag-Man cover in a Lightning Round. That felt good.