Weekly buff list synergy

Milk Jugz
Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2017 in MPQ Character Discussion
I started this for the people that haven't found this combo yet. 

MrF (5/3/5@273), C4ge (5/5/3@273), Je4n (5/3/5@215) 

Rarely have I seen 3 characters on the buff list that have such great synergy together!! First off, there is a full rainbow of active abilities. 

Jean can add specials for Cage to fortify with her green, she can also remove enemy specials with her purple to get the most out of Cage red. (Not to forget those are both aoe too!!). We, also, can't forget her blue is an enemy cascade killer.  

MrF can create 2 fortified protect tiles (blue) and a fortified CD tile (black) helping to boost Cage yellow damage. His blue is also a 3 turn stun. He has burst heal when any of the many special tiles you have out get destroyed by the enemy team. (It's not bad even at 3 covers). Imaginaut can be downright devastating with a good cascade. 

Cage will make sure you have plenty of protect tiles on the board. (Especially if there are any goons on the other team). His offensive capabilities are impressive!! Combined with 3 fortified tiles put out by MrF and at least 3 specials to fortify, his yellow can hit for over 20k THE FIRST TIME. I've hit it with 10 fortified on the board, plus the 3 it fortifies doing 4207 per. That's almost 55k damage for 8 yellow ap!!! His red is expensive, why I keep it at 3, but quite powerful. Capable of doing over 12k damage. 

I'm going to be trying this team out in shield sim this season also. It seems to be a great combination of offense and defense that even the AI can't mess up (who am I kidding, the AI messes anything up). But, I still need to champ Jean!!! That's how good this combo is, I'm shredding pve and she isn't a champ yet!!! The case closed wave mission in webbed wonder swipe left, I literally took a combined 5 hit points of damage!!! 

This is by far the best trio I've seen on the buff list since entering 4* land!!! 


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't it unfortunate that PVP has that annoying required character? Once I got past 700 points, every single team was Cage and Jean. All of them. Not what I used though. Went with Mr F with Cage so I could shut down enemy team Cage passive with Flexibility prior to unleashing the rest of the powers.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    This particular required character can be made useful if you bring along hobofist.  Individual powers aren't great, but if you can save for long enough (which you usually can since Cage is throwing out monster protect tiles), you throw Hawkguy purple for 3 temporary strikes, Iron Fist Blue to make one more and create 3 fortify tiles.  Then Cage yellow creates a protect, fortifies that protect, the remaining strike, and Hawkguy's countdown.  You get the yellow power off at 6 fortify tiles for 18k damage (boosted), and everything but the purple countdown sticks around for round 2.  Notice - the purple countdown removes the strikes, but leaves the fortification.

    If you can wait longer, fire IF black before blue for some nasty strikes to add to the yellow pummeling.  If you're sitting there absorbing enemy AoE for 1 damage per character, delay power usage until you can fire black, purple, blue, blue, yellow to down the toughest opponent, and probably knock off the other two with accumulated match damage and whatever red and green you've collected.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only problem with this is that by the time you fire Jean's green and Luke's yellow, you've done so much damage that the match is basically over and you don't get to enjoy all those sweet, sweet fortified tiles.

    But, yeah, solid team.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    The only problem with this is that by the time you fire Jean's green and Luke's yellow, you've done so much damage that the match is basically over and you don't get to enjoy all those sweet, sweet fortified tiles.

    But, yeah, solid team.
    Another reason I like this team so much. There are so many ways you can do damage it really doesn't matter what color the board favors in a particular match- you can work with it!!
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    Boosted Cage and Antman work well together as Cage can fortify Antman's strong purple attack tiles, plus Antman can steal enemy specials for Cage's Red to hit with full force.  Ironically, Antman's Blue is also a perfect counter to Cage and Antman.  Steal all of Cage's auto-protects and reduce his Red damage, plus you can steal Antman's attack or strike tiles.  Blue is the key to a mirror match up. 
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    In PVE - Cage + Carol + Wasp

    OMG those strike tiles with 10k+ match damage

    Instead of Carol also good Dr. Strang3
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lukoil said:
    In PVE - Cage + Carol + Wasp

    OMG those strike tiles with 10k+ match damage

    Instead of Carol also good Dr. Strang3
    I'll grant you that is a good team with great synergy. But, I was looking at just those on this week's boost list only. I try to find the best synergy out of the 5 boosted, I found a great one this week and wanted to share it!!!
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    I'm gonna try to keep this going each week. My biggest requirement for a good team is a full rainbow of powers. I like the flexibility that offers. I hate missing a color cause I always seem to then draw boards full of that color.  Also, I'm less concerned with time than most people who are more competitive than me. I know time is critical in PVE clears, but I'm happy in the top 50 and I like to use all the different characters I have.

    For Iso8 Brotherhood I'm going to use:

    Blade (5/5/3 @274(379)), Thor (5/3/5 @272(368)), Prof X (3/5/5 @270(366))

    I will edit this once the event starts and I see how they play together.

    EDIT: I sacrificed the top of my 2* farm and champed Prof X. This team works exactly as I had hoped!!! I updated all my numbers also. 

    I definitely see the potential with this team, but now I need to champ Prof X. His tile buff (when HE makes a match invisible) is really good (4+474), he now tanks both blue and purple. His invisibility can be a match saver if you're getting your tinykitty beat!! Don't forget the forehead of doom on match 5 an extra 5645 damage is quite nice, plus 2 more red ap since it generates my strongest color. His other passive is nice as it drops me a protect (148), strike (162) and attack (108) tile every time an ally fires a power, pretty decent numbers, especially when you get his buff going. I was doing 6-8k+ attack tile damage by the end of some matches! 

    Blade offers a pretty decent aoe (5827) with the potential for a pretty decent true heal (4455). His red puts out great strike tiles (636) as long as there are 10 red on the board. But once you get at least nine ap it can pretty much shred anything that's put in front of him. You want to keep collecting it!! His black.... I use it because it's there mostly, but it is nice to destroy 4 ap in their strongest color, but I like using more when it creates red tiles.

    Thor is a beast! She has the most health on the team @34861. My favorite of her powers is blue, I love having a 3 turn stun. It also creates charges tiles that can add A LOT of damage to her red nuke. That brings up my only gripe with this team.... Do I want to use smite (8130+1464/charged tile) or do I want to keep Blade going..... Decisions, decisions... I did have a couple matches that were heavy with the red ap and I was able to hit smite AND keep Blade going, but that's not going to happen every time. Her yellow is another one that I use because it's there, the damage, frankly, sucks (1611 aoe), the best part of it is converting enemy specials to charged tiles.

    On a side note, I've been using Thor and, since I champed him, Prof X in Cag3 pvp to great effect. His invisibility has saved me more than once!!!!
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you for making the thread. If only I could subscribe to this thread without having to turn all notification for all thread.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just giving the thread a bump!! I edited my last post!! 
  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    Very nice thread! Just a quick suggestion.
    Don't know if it is possible, but maybe you can have something like
    Week .../... - .../...
    Spoiler box with all the info
    Week ... /... - .../...

    Just to have everything tidy in the first post
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Skrofa said:
    Very nice thread! Just a quick suggestion.
    Don't know if it is possible, but maybe you can have something like
    Week .../... - .../...
    Spoiler box with all the info
    Week ... /... - .../...

    Just to have everything tidy in the first post
    Also, as a separate post, to delineate when the conversation turns to a new buff list.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm still new at creating discussions, when the new list comes out I'll start a new discussion and see what I can do!! Thanks for the suggestions!!
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    A PVE specialty team. 

    3* Strange
    4* Blade

    ive got them all champed. If there's more than 9 red on the field, you get incredibly powerful strikes every turn. Those add to Strange's already buffed Flames of Faltine. Get 8 purple for Coulson to either get to 9 red or 9 blue. Bloodlust boosted does unreal damage. Crimson Bands of Cytorrak stops an enemy when you really need it. But you really shouldn't with this team. Blade's green is just unnecessary icing. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I sacrificed the top of my 2* farm and champed Prof X, it was worth it!! I updated my break down with the new numbers and changed the description a little
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not really that effective once you start hitting enemies around the 20k mark, but for the first couple clears in pve, Blade/Coulson/CHulk is actually a really fun team. The strikes enhance all the little dots from the countdowns, and focusing on TU tiles let you churn green to keep casting Blades AoE
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the new buff list is out and made me a little sad.... I only have Blade and Nova champed on the list with no hope of champing a third...... Iso is in short supply this week.... I'm going to be running Blade, Nova, and my 420 3/3/5 Phoenix. I'm not gonna break this team down as I'm sure not many people have the luxury of running a 5*.

    Sorry everybody, I will make a brand new thread when the buff list likes me again......
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just wanted to give this a bump for the people that enjoyed it, the coming week's boost list has shined on me. There is a new discussion in character subforum titled "4* boosted synergy 6-29-17"

    I will be making edits to the thread when EotS goes live and I play the first sub. Thanks again to the people that enjoyed this!!!!