4* DDQ: Venom vs Carnage

BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
Wew buffed Carnage is a nightmare to face. Took me three tries with my lv168 5/5/3 Venom, +2 all AP, +2 G/B AP, +2 R/Y AP. In the previous runs i easily beat him wih my Venom at 2/4/2 and 3/5/3

Focussed on collecting as much green and yellow as possible while denying red. When Carnage finally hit 7 Red AP, Venom had less than 1000 health left, but I had managed to accumulate 22 Green and 18 Yellow. Three Symbiotic Furies in a row downed Carnage

Fittingly, the LT got me Agent Venom Black. Unfittingly, that puts him at 4/6/2. Not gonna waste any CP on Agent Venom, so thats likely 1000 iso


  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Trying to beat the new new Carnage with a 5/4/4 133 Venom, 8k health: 

    try #1: realize Carnage's attack tiles quickly spike to 1k damage/turn. Yowch. My strat is collect green and yellow fast, hoping to fire green at reduced XP and yellow for a kill shot. Except this board is drowning in purple and Carnage is grabbing every green match he can. Died quickly to attack tile damage. 

    try #2: same as above, except this time, the board is drowning in blue. Carnage still loves to steal my green matches every chance he gets. I might have lasted 10 turns. 

    try #3: Carnage cascades into 14 red by turn 5, kills me with Scythes. 

    try #4: turn 3, Carnage makes a green match, which cascades into a red match-4, which cascades into a green match-6 (one of those match-3s on top of another match-3), which blows up for 4k damage. Retreat in disgust. 

    Yeah, I'll come back to this later. 

  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a championed venom, but I lost. Very frustrating. He never unleashed red on me, but every time he'd unleash green, it would cause a massive cascade that allowed him to unleash green again on the next turn.

    I'll wait 12 hours and try again... my health packs are far too precious. I won't use them until it's the 5th and final day, if I still haven't beaten him yet.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

    Done. Just, with my Champed Venom.


    2nd go tho. His tiles tick for so much after a few goes that if you have a bad board its basically game over


    Not sure how lower levelled Venoms will do this tbh. Unless very lucky.


    I scraped it and was lucky with enough yellow to fire it twice.


    I do not think they thought it through using him as an opponent after Carnage’s changes.


    Good luck

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017


    I do not think they thought it through using him as an opponent after Carnage’s changes.


    Good luck

    "Thought through".  If only they did that more.
    Edit:  ok, that was snarky.  The dev team is small.  There are prioritization issues.  But you matched Carnage, who now spams Attack tiles every turn, against Venom, who makes those attack tiles more powerful, assuming you have him fully covered.  Devs, should we have him fully covered?  Should we?

     I have a 170 5/3/5 Venom, who handled old Carnage easily.  I really don't want to put iso into him.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    bluewolf said:


    I do not think they thought it through using him as an opponent after Carnage’s changes.


    Good luck

    Ha ha.  "Thought through".  Ha ha ha ha ha!  Try "does it require reprogramming?  Is it irreversible bugged?  No?  Run that baby!"

    Ha! Unfortunately you are probably right
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    4/1/1 lvl 135. Thought I might have a chance after coming fairly close last round. Ummm...no.
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Finally beat this on my 8th attempt with 133 5/4/4 Venom. +2 G/Bk, +2 R/Y, took 3 Symbiotic Furys at 7AP each and a Lethal Protector for the kill shot. 

    LT hoarded for the time being. Will probably pull just before BP leaves LLs. 
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler

    Lvl 152 at 5/1/4 took 6 tries, the last 5 with +2all, +2r/y, +2g/bk.

    2 LT's and 12 cp in the hoard now. With an iso debt over 2 million, Coulson and C4ge on the vine, selling 4 Gwenpool yesterday, and 6 4* fully covered, little will turn out to be useful.

    So, I shall endeavor to hoard until just before hawk5 leaves LL...

  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    Level 150, 5/3/5 (he might get ISO after Mordo, Ant Man, and Quake are Champed). Only manage 1 Symbiotic Fury, thankfully because the board was too green poor for either of us. It was a bit red poor too, so I didn't have to waste much on denial. I was down to 80 health before hitting Carnage with Lethal Protector and letting the gifted attack tiles finish the job.
    EDIT: At least it wasn't Thing vs Human Torch. Champed at 275, my Thing still lost 2 or 3 times due to the board dropping green matches for the AI that weren't there a moment ago.
  • Mr_Aziz
    Mr_Aziz Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    welp I better forget about this fight, my Venom is just 1/1/1
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    My Venom is 150 5/3/5. Took 4 attempts with +100% match damage, +2R/Y, +2 all. 1st, got him down to 198 before I was downed, but it was inspiring. 2nd, down to 556, still inspiring. 3rd, down to 1771, starting to lose that inspiration. 4th, opened a board absolutely saturated with yellow, finished him off with 6510 health left of my 9702- what a difference a good board makes...... 

    LT to the hoard!! 
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Took about 9 attempts with 156 3/5/5 Venom. Had to level him to 160 for the win and used all appropriate color boosts. It was pretty brutalfight. But lucked into getting 18 yellow when carnage was around 8000 health.

    5 star hawkeye reward.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 278. I used AP boosts to start with 2 yellow and green. Unfortunately, the board was yellow starved and I wasn't able to make many green matches either. I closed out the fight with a Lethal Protector and less than 300 health.
    DCUDCU Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2017
    My Venom is 1/5/5(great color RNG, right?), and at ~150. I tried once or twice but don't think it is possible.

    NMD - Got lucky. Used his green to get one last match at 178 health to get a yellow attack to kill him. Sorry I forgot the names.
  • Ir0nF1sh
    Ir0nF1sh Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Took me 5 tries. This was not a fun one at all. In the end had to use 100 hp for match damage boosts and cranked em up to the max. One of the hardest Clash. Pulled a dupe cover for my trouble. What a kick in the balls
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    This was by far the toughest clash for me in quite a while.  I managed to barely win on my 3rd try with a 170 4/3/5 Venom.  The attack tiles get nasty fast, so the key for me was getting 18 yellow to use Lethal Protector twice in a row as quickly as possible.  
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2017
    I've got a 5/1/3 Venom at LVL 157, and the fights haven't even been close. This is probably going to be one I miss out on, unless I get really, really lucky with a good board.

    Edit - Finally beat it on the 6th try, with +2 all, +2 Yellow, and +2 Green AP.  I leveled him up to LVL 179 to do it.  Even then, I just barely won.  I ended with about 3300 health, and Carnage was ready to fire off his green next turn.  I finished him with a Lethal Protector, and then the attack tiles he created.  This is a really tough fight now.
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    168 4/2/2 Venom & I've lost 20+ matches so far. Closest have gotten him down to <500 with damage boosts, but I've used those up. At least 5 matches I was dead before I could fire a power. I end up eating 1000-1600 in the face each turn just from his attack tiles by turn 5 compared to the 500 mine do to him, after that I'm usually screwed in 2-3 turns. AP boosts haven't seemed to make any difference at all. Definitely my least favorite Crash & at this point I'm pretty I won't get this token.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    This was VERY tough! I tried first beating Carnage with level 180 Venom, then 200 twice, then 220 and finally beat it with 5:th attempt and no boosts.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    Beat Carnage with a level 120 5/3/5 Venom.  2 all color, 2 G/B, 100% R/Y damage boosts used.