Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#92!

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker

* Reality season, no character changes.
* Fortified tiles changes
 * Webbed wonder change
 * New Doc Ock



  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - getting the show late stinks, This Cord stinks
    - There seems to be confusion whether 3 star Star-Lord is being added to Deadpool Daily. We shall see...
    - Both the Nick Fury and Eddie Venom Crashes were and will be no problem
    - I would read a Carnage/Medusa team up book
    - The Soul Gem is the Life Gem, I guess?
    - "Nobody expected Doc Ock..." Hmmm, I think some folks did
    - YouTube and This Cord giving you issues? Maybe try Google Hangouts?
    - I love me some Baby Groot
    - My five star Iron Man is 4/2/3, if I cared more about who is on what team, I'd use him more
    - My vine is six Riris, one that expires in two days, the rest in two weeks
    - Gwenpool is my highest level four star at level 307. Just wild!
    - My reward of the week is four new Doc Ock covers from cashing in 1000 CP. And a Bag-Man, now level 133
    - Clue makes no sense, but the schedule tells me who should be next week's featured character of the week
    - An original creation by Craig! Thankfully, I was warned...
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    I accidentally washed my earphones earlier this week. I don't know what's worse: listening to Craig's parody of Danger Zone through the one working earbud, or knowing that they HAVE to be washed again.  :'(
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    With 5* Doc Ock, wouldn't 4* Carol be useful for the insta-win?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the content as always!

    I think you are a bit off on IM46.  He is very unusual in the game (as of now, the devs have hinted that more teammate-related powers are coming this year) in that playing him with the right teammates makes or breaks him.  But he was among the best 5*s the game when released, and is now solidly middle tier.

    Red: two Team IM partners almost triples (!!!) the damage on his red.  It's no longer as impressive as it was when he was released, but 25k damage for 9ap with no other conditions or cooldowns is pretty powerful (I think it only checks teammates at the beginning of the match too, because I am pretty sure you can still get the extra damage even if a teammate is downed).  Also, he now has 3 potential 5* team IM partners in SS, BSS, and BP.  there are a few decent combos there, and 5/6 active colors if you bring BSS.  Plus Quake and Rulk are very good Team IM 4*s to play with him if you are transitioning.

    Blue:  This power is sneaky good for damage.  In the first phase of the power you convert the enemy's strongest color into red.  that can cause matches and cascades, so it can generate some AP to fuel IM's red, which is great.  Then phase 2 of the power destroys all red tiles left on the board, doing damage for each of them.  So for 10ap, the power can potentially generate some ap if you time it well, and offers you two changes to create a cascade that will deal 5* match damage to the enemy.  And 5*s can do upwards of 600 damage per destroyed tile when champed.  This is a very strong move, probably IM46's best.

    Yellow: It's not great, but it is a useful defensive power.  And there are also tons of new characters that can leverage CDs in a variety of ways (Drax, Hawkeye, coulson, carol, etc). 

    5/5/3 for most purposes. 

    And in general, 5*s almost all have pathetic ability damage at level 255.  Despite what Demi said when they rolled out 5*s in Sept. 2015, they really aren't very useful until you can level them to level 360, and really don't take off until they hit level 400+.  So you still need a lot of covers and a lot of iso to see them at anything close to full power.  (and BSS is probably not a top tier 5* anymore.  He was at his best when everyone was running OML/Phoenix teams and the 5* meta was all strike tiles.  Now that 5* land is all about thanos and BB, BSS's abilitiy to ignore enemy strike tiles is much less valuable). 

    Finally, I would definitely repeat my suggestion that you jump ahead to the latest 5*s first.  That way you will be discussing characters that could, conceivably, be covered.  The classic 5*s are basically beyond the reach of anyone who doesn't already have them at 10+ covers.  With vaulting the new reality in both 4* and 5* land, I think it is more important than ever to keep the featured character reviews as timely as possible. 

    p.s. That danger zone cover should be used in the Top Gun: Maverick (the newly named Top Gun sequel).  It's the Marvel/Top Gun shared universe we never knew we needed!

  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    So, question. My highest covered 5* are bssm at 4/5/2(With a blue in 5 days from resupply), and goblin at 2/3/2.

    Do you think those two are good enough to start dabbling in the 5* tier by levelling to 350 or so? Gg seems like a fine choice, but I can't find a solid opinion about spidey except that he's situationally good due to his purple.

    Either way, I'll probably wait to see what winds up happening from the scaling test that just happened, as i dont wish to muss up my pve scale so much, and I won't really have iso any time soon due to 5 max covered 4* I want to level.

    Any input is appreciated.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    How many 4* champs do you have jables?

    If the answer is enough that you reliavly have 2 or more boosted 4*s every week then leveling a 5* to 360-380 or so should have little effect upon your scaling/mmr.  Boosted-from-270 4* champs are in that same level range.  But if you go up to 400+ you will likely face harder opponents in pve and pvp.

    So that's the good news.  But the bad news is that an undercovered 5* at 360 will likely be a bit worse than a boosted 4* champ: more match damage, but markedly weaker abilities.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Hello, friends. I apologize for not writing the last couple of weeks. Life was in the way.
    --I super-appreciate the food bank PSAs. Thank you for reaching out.
    --I've only managed to listen live as the show is recorded once before. What I usually do, though, is listen to the YouTube version a couple of hours later. I couldn't do that with the Discord recording. Darn.
    --Nope. No 3-star Star-Lord for Tuesday's Deadpool Daily. That's too bad. I don't have mine fully cover'd yet.
    --Nick was an easy Crash. Eddie was tough, tougher than he was last time around and I have more covers on him now. The re-re-work'd Carnage is (appropriately) brutal.
    --Speaking of Eddie, the black cover from current progression will be added to my vine. I have him at 5/5/2. Sad times.
    --Craig, you knucklehead. Jane is a better Thor than Odinson ever was. By the way: SPOILERS!
    --Hey! I'm playing right now (Tuesday morning) and my S.H.I.E.L.D Resupply is a Heroic 10-pack (day 1137). Let's see what I pull: OBW, IM40, Ares, OBW, Doctor Strange, DA Bullseye, Johnny Torch, classic Storm, DA Daken, OBW, and a Bonus Hero purple Star-Lord (now 4/4/4). Those are all useable in one way or another. :)
    --No new Doc Ock for me but lots of useable 4-stars. Good times.
    --Joe, the only people who expected Doc Ock are those who either data mine or communicate with the people who do and I bet even they were surprised when they found out this was being made. I admit that I'd had the powers spoiled for me but I thought it was going to be a new boss like Galactus, not a playable character.
    --Facing Doc Ock in "Webbed Wonder" wasn't a threat for my roster.
    --I'm with Ian. At a certain point in Craig's Doc Ock description, I just tuned out. I've read it so I have a basic understanding of what he does. :P
    --Vulture should be a 2-star!
    --Klaw is primarily a Black Panther villain. I'm sure Spidey has had to face him but he's never been part of the Sinister Six.
    --"X never marks the spot." There you go. Random Indy reference.
    --My vine is ISO starved. First up is Agent Venom with three covers on the vine; he's already at 13 covers and level 213 so I'll have him Champion'd soon (probably even by the time you record). Next up is Mordo with a cover that dies on the 16th; I've had him fully cover'd for a month but this is the first extra cover. Unfortunately, he's still at level 70 so I'm looking at about 400,000ISO to level & Champion him. After that is my fully cover'd A-Force Carol with a cover that dies on the 19th; she's already at level 209 so I'll need about 230,000ISO. Finally is the aforementioned Eddie Brock black from progression; for him I'm going to need about 239,000ISO and 120 Command Points since he's 5/5/2 and I need to buy a cover. I also have several 2-star covers dying on the vine because I've sold the max Champion versions of the characters, rebuilt them at level 15, and can't afford the ISO to raise them because I need all the ISO for my 4-stars. Buddy, can you spare some ISO?
    --It's worth mentioning that I did have Medusa & Coulson covers dying on the vine but Champion'd both of them in the last week or so. Damn, they're great.
    --Thank you again, friends.

  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    jojeda654 said:
    I accidentally washed my earphones earlier this week. I don't know what's worse: listening to Craig's parody of Danger Zone through the one working earbud, or knowing that they HAVE to be washed again.  :'(
    You know... this is not the worst thing I've listened to in my life. And I think, creatively, it was pretty good. My only criticism is that Craig should have transposed it down a bit into an octave he can actually sing in.

    I'm REALLY curious about this foodbank.org business now, except I only remember about it when I'm at work.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Craig: sorry for hitting you in simulator.  I got all giddy at taking on an MPQ celebrity.  Medusa/Carnage/Fantastic can be a real tiny kitty (until stuns!)

    Holy **** Hawkguy is a fun character!  His pvp has been great (other than hoards of jean/cage teams)

    PS: I listen on my drive home from work.  I think of the funniest, wittiest, most clever, and informative comments in the car.  I walk through the door to 3 children, and my entire brain just turns to mush.  Oh well...