One confused customer

Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
So it appears that 5* are pretty much centering around the movie universe lately. That's fine, whatever, but there are so many contradictory things I just don't understand so I'm going to list them out:

1) Promoting the movie universe is good, yes? So why not make the movie variants all more easily obtainable 3* and 4*? Get more people using them, increase hype for the product.

If you disagree with #1, then you're probably done here, unless you're just bored. If you agree with #1, move on to #2.

2) So what fills in the 5* tier then? New characters that don't exist in game already! Gives the whales/RNG fortunate something really rare to chase. 

So anyway, I'm totally confused by the logic of putting the movie characters/existing character variants in a tier that is the highest rarity. Yes, I know its been described as rarity in relation to other * level covers, but make it special by putting new characters only in there.

5* Doc Ock. We've already got a 3* version. The game needs another? Make it a 4*. And then put a new (to the game) Spider Man villain as the 5*.

And please don't bring the **** of the "variant licenses are cheaper". This game brags about the millions of downloads and we've gotten official statements vaguely referring to things being quite well when people question the health of the game. 

So anyway, its annoying. And it encourages hoarding. The latest four 5* (I'm not going back any further because I don't remember the exact order) are all characters people can use in other tiers. Unless you are simply in the 5* tier already and don't have much choice. serious about "completing" your roster, just don't like waiting to pull your tokens, or happen to be a huge fan of a latest 5* why would you not hoard?

When I pull, its from the Classics, because the 5* I want are in the Classic pool. Yes, I know I have terrible odds getting one. But I'd rather have the 5 CP discount and take the worse odds than pulling from a pool where my only options are variants. That's lame.

Anyway, I'm hoarding my CP at the moment. Maybe if some new characters come in, or its a variant on a favorite of mine, I'll stop and pull from the Latest. Otherwise, when I do pull, it will all be Classics. 

/rant over


  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Vaulting + saturating everything with the "latest 12" has made hoarding CP a very viable alternative if you're not satisfied with the current crop of the 15 readily available 4* and 5*.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Honestly I don't think at this point that it matters what the name is attached to the 5*s.  People playing at that level chase characters with good mechanics.  Wouldn't matter much to the whale community whether it was 5* Mary Jane Parker or 5* Gambit.  And since that tier is the tier where the publisher and developer make their bread I'm not particularly upset about it.

    As to variants they don't really bother me.  I like Doc Ock, don't mind seeing another one.  Most of the characters with a lot of variants are generally very popular characters.  
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    He sounds like he could be fun, so there is that.  when 4*Carol was announced, there was a lot of grumbling about another Carol, but she is a fun, powerful character, so the grumbling went away.  I like new characters, but as long as the characters are fun, and bring something different to the table, variants can be just fine.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    revskip said:
    Honestly I don't think at this point that it matters what the name is attached to the 5*s.  People playing at that level chase characters with good mechanics.  Wouldn't matter much to the whale community whether it was 5* Mary Jane Parker or 5* Gambit.  And since that tier is the tier where the publisher and developer make their bread I'm not particularly upset about it.

    As to variants they don't really bother me.  I like Doc Ock, don't mind seeing another one.  Most of the characters with a lot of variants are generally very popular characters.  
    I wasn't trying to go "anti variant" so I apologize if that's how it came across. I like some variants but think the highest tier should be exclusive to new characters only. You may be right about the mechanics aspect tho. I don't know because I'm not in that tier ( just a few covers on nearly everyone there).shartattack said:
    He sounds like he could be fun, so there is that.  when 4*Carol was announced, there was a lot of grumbling about another Carol, but she is a fun, powerful character, so the grumbling went away.  I like new characters, but as long as the characters are fun, and bring something different to the table, variants can be just fine.
    Yea, and I also apologize if it seems like I'm knocking Doc Ock in general. It appears they created a unique character, which is cool, so I don't want to take away from that.