Looking for alliance

edited April 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Looking to join a great alliance I'm very active I'm always playing I'm usually placing top 25 or higher I'm in a alliance already but I am trying to leave due to there inactivity and I'm not benefiting at all my name on there is IcemanDaBeast if you want to find my team by alliance it's Datpiff Unit I started playing a little over a month ago and I play a lot so I would be a excellent addition to any alliance


  • viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5159 Better chance at posting here icon_e_smile.gif
  • I remember battling you last week in one of the events for top honors until the final day. Check out my Battlefielders thread. I'm adding slots to our alliance Friday or Saturday if you're interested. If not, check out the sticky for single players looking for alliances.
  • Yeah I'm down let me know and I remember yours too I'm addicted to this game so I'm feening to get in a better alliance send me a private message about it I'm down