Alliances could use some love

DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
Aside from collective alliance events (of which I'd also like to see more please tyvm :mrgreen: ), nothing much has changed in quite a while for alliances.

I'd really like to see some quality of life changes, though.
  • Add an 'alliance details' tab. This should be the first page you see when you open the alliance screen. Commanders can set a text here (and maybe even an icon) to give a short alliance description and/or lay out the alliance rules/news/reminders. That sort of thing.
  • Add an 'alliance events' tab. This should list all active team up requests and clan CP rewards messages (remove them from the chat). Also add events for people leaving or joining the alliance.
  • Add an 'alliance results' tab. This should contain a list of how well the alliance and their members has performed in recent PVP and PVE events


  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    1- I agree- it would be great to know what to expect when joining an alliance. Marvel Champions already has that.
    2.-why remove them from the chat? There aren't that many of them anyway (at least in my alliance). By events for people leaving or joining the alliance, you mean notifications right?
    3.-maybe some would like it, but I think it would be hard to implement- a system that notifies each member of every alliance of all the other 19 players in their team would mean a lot of information, considering how many events there are. I wouldn't mind it, but I doubt it's do-able.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    1- I agree- it would be great to know what to expect when joining an alliance. Marvel Champions already has that.
    2.-why remove them from the chat? There aren't that many of them anyway (at least in my alliance). By events for people leaving or joining the alliance, you mean notifications right?
    While they aren't generally cluttering a lot, i think they're misplaced. It will also bring a bit more persistence to these kind of events. I'm envisioning that other 'events' will also get entries here, including (but not limited to) for example alliance ranking payouts or alliance progression rewards (for boss events).
    3.-maybe some would like it, but I think it would be hard to implement- a system that notifies each member of every alliance of all the other 19 players in their team would mean a lot of information, considering how many events there are. I wouldn't mind it, but I doubt it's do-able.
    I'm more thinking about something that's similar to the post-event result system that is already in place. Once an event is over, you'll see your results in the events tab for another 24 hours or so. Just copy this system over to the alliance, except that you will only list the alliance member scores here, not other alliances's.