First Strike + Beserker = My Toon still receives damage?! [Devs Aware]

ROYGBV00 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
Like the title says...what is up with that?!

Is it a bug, or a new revision to the game mechanics?

//Edited Title -Brigby


  • Grenade110
    Grenade110 Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Its more than that. I noticed the other creature  (non first striker) will not receive damage but deals damage even if it shouldn't. 

    Had a renowned Akroan Sergeant as first creature and i had Brawler's Plate support. Opponent only had one 2/2 Zombie token. After combat my 5/5 Sergeant was showing as a 5/3  and the zombie was still a 2/2.

  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    Trample and berserker is bugged as you can see in a couple of other threads. The zombie.. Was it in training grounds? There are supports putting a 2/2 zombie on the board whenever a creature dies
  • Grenade110
    Grenade110 Posts: 53 Match Maker
    None of those supports were out. The token came from Noosegraf Mob that had been destroyed after dropping a token.