Bonus Rewards across multiple devices Update Version 127.

Hey, I know that there has been changes with shield intercept and the continuation of Bonus Rewards for all the different platforms (android, ios, steam, amazon).  However, today I have noticed an odd occurrence since the new release 127 has come out that from my 3 separate devices that I play on, only one of them is showing Bonus Rewards.  Also, to clear any confusion, I am a VIP subscription player.

The three devices I use are my android phone, an android emulator on my laptop, and my amazon kindle.  This morning, I played on my android phone for the deadpool daily quest and no Bonus Rewards came up.  This was 6 PVE nodes that, being they were the newest ones of the day, when completed did not give the Bonus Rewards. Later this day, when I swapped over to my android emulator on my laptop to play The Hunt PVE nodes, I played over the 9 nodes each once and got Bonus Rewards immediately, ending up with 3 Bonus Rewards in the process.  When I switched over to my amazon kindle afterwards to play those 9 nodes again, no Bonus Rewards came up.  I am unable to continue my testing at the current moment to play pve nodes for bonus rewards on my android emulator again since all the nodes are completed with green check marks.

So, currently, there isn't a sufficient enough correlation for today since I've only attempted one certain order of playing on the multiple devices.  Previously, I've been able to see the Bonus Rewards on my android phone and later on with my android emulator.  So, I wanted to know if this is being seen by other users since today has been the release of update 127.


  • ChattyWhacker
    ChattyWhacker Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    As a side note, I also didn't install the 127 update on my android phone or the android emulator initially, but I did update on my amazon kindle before playing.  So, really, more testing the possible issue will need to be done once all devices have been updated.