Classic legends full



    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:
    broll said:
    If they just made a 3rd CP token with all the vaulted 4*s they'd have a place to move the oldest characters too.  

    Even better (IMO):

    Latest -  3 5* / 12 4* - 25 CP - Only have the latest of both.
    Classics - 12 5* / 12 4* - 20 CP - Have the next older set of both 4* and 5* (not the same 12 4* as in latest)
    Vintage - all remaining 5*s and 4*s - 15 CP - Grows until dilution becomes high enough that they make a 4th pool (or a new higher tier and make 4* accessible at lower token levels).
    yeah, I've thought of this design as well.  It's good because it gives players a choice and the CP prices are fair.


    Newer players could take advantage of this and always pull the cheapest 15 CP Legendary token and quickly cover the oldest 4*s and 5*s, which may not seem fair.  Perhaps the Vintage token should be 20 CP to fix that.

    Would it be all that different than right now? New players are covering the newest 4*s and, to a far lesser extant, the newer 5*s faster now than ever before. I don't think a small amount of CmdPts is really going to throw them off.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wobby said:
    You can easily get SS. Make him your BH and after you pull 20-30 5*s you'll get a color you have 6 covers in :D 
    Already done it twice! I've got an awesome 2/5/7 Surfer. 
    My awesome surfer is 8/1/6!

    Colorless cannot come soon enough. Classics are the place to go for misery.
  • Manaka
    Manaka Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Wouldn't a simple solution to obtaining "classic" 5*s be just to have rotating 5* vaults with a 25cp price and a 10% draw rate for the featured 5*, like they do with new 5*s
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Manaka said:
    Wouldn't a simple solution to obtaining "classic" 5*s be just to have rotating 5* vaults with a 25cp price and a 10% draw rate for the featured 5*, like they do with new 5*s

    That and rotating stores with 3 5*s in em and a select number of 4*s have been my favorite of the user suggestions... 

    It would scratch the compulsive buy itch because people wont know the next time they'll be able to get this hero they're looking for, so it should generate more interest in spending money.. 

    People would be given an option on how to cover their characters while at the same time nothing would be made cheaper and risk dumping more 5* covers into the system than would already be pulled under the current system.

    They were already offering featured 4* stores for different characters, they could leverage the same mechanic/infrastructure...  instead they made a new type of store with different mechanics and generated a ton of drama...

    Its clear they aren't into crowdsourcing design by forum, understandably so as I'm sure that most professionals here would be offended at the notion that us peasants on the forum could do a better job at their profession sans all background information and application specific details...  but still, there are some good ideas floating around here from time to time...

  • Zappa
    Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    D3 will never adopt any of the dozen reasonable solutions to their classic token problem (and vaulting in general). They will continue buffing old characters that nobody has any access to. They would rather have a single token with a 15% chance at 50 5*s than take the tiniest effort to open a second token. And don't say that this **** is hard for them to code, they literally make a unique legendary token for every single boss event/5* release. If D3 are experts at one thing, and I'm pretty sure it's their only expertise in this game, it is opening stores (with terrible value).
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    This issue and the others related are why I just sold my Surfer a while back. Then sold OML when that change came up. It shook up my scaling and game in general for a little while. Then Thanos and BP covers flowed steadily (and Hawkeye is catching up) and I'm sitting on a max covered BW I don't have any Iso to give... but I keep matching 3 and pulling latests whenever possible.

    I'm also sitting on single covers from a couple other 5*s that CS does nothing to help... that 2k iso has been a slap in the face since it was put there. It should have been 5-10k iso for a sold 5* cover.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    jackstar0 said:
    This issue and the others related are why I just sold my Surfer a while back. Then sold OML when that change came up. It shook up my scaling and game in general for a little while. Then Thanos and BP covers flowed steadily (and Hawkeye is catching up) and I'm sitting on a max covered BW I don't have any Iso to give... but I keep matching 3 and pulling latests whenever possible.

    I'm also sitting on single covers from a couple other 5*s that CS does nothing to help... that 2k iso has been a slap in the face since it was put there. It should have been 5-10k iso for a sold 5* cover.
    Hmmmm......the cover sell back price is basically based on doubling the price of the previous tier, but the odds of getting a cover for a certain tier is not twice as hard as the previous tier, it's harder than that. 

    Let's look at the Heroic token:
    2* Odds = 68%...sell back price 250 ISO
    3* Odds = 25%...sell back price 500 ISO
    4* Odds = 7%.....sell back price 1000 ISO

    If the sell back price correlated with the odds of getting the cover, then it should be:
    2* Odds = 68%...sell back price 250 ISO
    3* Odds = 25%...sell back price 680 ISO (2* price multiplied by 2.72)
    4* Odds = 7%.....sell back price 2428 ISO (3* price multiplied by 3.57)

    Following this pattern for 5* covers using Legendary token odds we get:
    5* Odds = 15%...sell back price 13,758 ISO (4* price multiplied by 5.666)

    At a bare minimum, 5* covers should sell for at least 5,000 ISO given that they are more than 5 times harder to get in a LT.  Of course, if they increase the sell back price, they would also have to increase the base champ rewards too, since they are correlated.