Don't have the delay of waiting for new season to add new characters to tokens

Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
[Note, I am not suggesting existing characters should be removed, but there should be a number of 'new' slots available in tokens which characters occupy from their launch event up until the time they officially move into the latest 12.]

Currently you have a rather odd situation where availability of new characters has greatly improved once they get into tokens and depending on how well you do in their launch events or get lucky with tokens you can collect a fair few prior to that but then you have this weird dead period between the two where you have no scope to acquire the new covers.

This situation needlessly reduces the interest people might have in trying out new characters before they are fully covered as by the time they first enter the tokens you have lost your initial excitement for them and simply leave them until one side until they are fully covered, assuming that your roster is already well developed.