Android O beta support

Zaxxon Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
Google released the Android O beta today at Google I/O.  Since updating my phone, MPQ launches only a black screen.  I imagine this is not your highest priority, but now that beta access is a simple OTA away for folks, I also imagine I'm not the only MPQ player that this will impact.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not speaking as a moderator: this has been a problem with almost every pre-release beta of Android as long as I've been reading the forums for MPQ.  It really can't be stressed enough that people who choose to beta test new OS versions do so at the risk of application failures and data loss.

    That said, if you have an alternate device and your save data backed up to Facebook, you should be able to play there until MPQ is updated for this OS version.
  • Zaxxon
    Zaxxon Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Yep, I expected issues when I upgraded, and I do have an alternate device.  Thanks.
  • SocialStrain
    SocialStrain Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2017
    That sucks. I also got the beta knowing there was a chance some apps wouldn't work. Do have another device with MPQ but it is not my primary phone.  Hopefully they will have this patched soon...