Daily alliance ISO reward lowered?



  • I didn't notice this. I didn't look how much Iso I got from daily reward but I'm starting to get sick of things getting changed and not one word is said about it in patch notes.
  • agreed, communication has dropped off recently. Making changes is fine, communicating them is important....
  • You can always tell when they're about to do something they know we'll hate because IceIX disappears from the forums.
  • I do recall IceIX saying something about a vacation somewhere, I admit he deserves one putting up with us lot but the devs still need someone checking in on things if he is away...
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    Also note that the timing of the drop is ~the same time of day that they were first introduced. So those who receive their Daily earlier in the day (like me) and didn't get anything immediately after they were introduced still got the balancing amount this morning.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do recall IceIX saying something about a vacation somewhere

    He should try Tahiti some time. It's a magical place...
  • KaioShinDE wrote:
    Free ISO is free ISO doesn't apply here IMO... because it's not as free as people think it is.

    The cost is the psycological pressure to play every single day not to let your alliance down, because if you don't, everyone is going to see it. I find it quite unethical to artificially build up this kind of peer pressure to keep everyone playing non-stop. Before someone comes playing devil's advocate, yes, the amount of ISO lost is utterly insignificant, and no one in a mature alliance would even raise an eyebrow if someone doesn't play all the time. But that's not the point. The point is that the list of shame exists and is there to see for everyone, every single day. That's quite enough, regardless of how severe or not the effects of not playing would be in pratice.

    Shame, really?

    In the alliance I'm in, as long as members are communicating, it's fine if they need to take some time off. A day off from a video game should not be a cause of shame.
  • Deleted the thread I just made as I saw this a few down. Guess I am nit crazy then. It's mot life altering or anything, it is a little sad how they keep nerfing iso gains in the game. sIs still flows more than it did 5-6 months ago though, so you can only gripe so much.
  • KaioShinDE wrote:
    Free ISO is free ISO doesn't apply here IMO... because it's not as free as people think it is.

    The cost is the psycological pressure to play every single day not to let your alliance down, because if you don't, everyone is going to see it. I find it quite unethical to artificially build up this kind of peer pressure to keep everyone playing non-stop. Before someone comes playing devil's advocate, yes, the amount of ISO lost is utterly insignificant, and no one in a mature alliance would even raise an eyebrow if someone doesn't play all the time. But that's not the point. The point is that the list of shame exists and is there to see for everyone, every single day. That's quite enough, regardless of how severe or not the effects of not playing would be in pratice.

    Personally, as somehow a commander in your alliance (i didn't notice it until a week ago lol) I would never kick someone for not playing a few days. No need to feel shamed, at least not for batman inc. On the flip side, its a nice way to see if someone NEVER is playing, so that they can be removed as they likely stopped playing. Especially useful for players that don't want to commune with the chatwizard.

    That said, I understand the comment. Regardless of KNOWING your alliance is cool and doesn't care and blah blah, there is still self-shaming (not really the right word..but whatever) that occurs and that is actually the goal of it. Alliances in general have the goal of keeping players active because activity leads to more activity and competition which leads to more profits. Nobody drops hp to lvl up fury if only 100 ppl play the game. 100,000? Then maybe you do. Alliances and a
    "Shame chart" helps to keep ppl to feel like they should play, even if they know that they won't be begrudged for missing a day or 3.

    Another advantage, is I found out I hadn't fought a match one time because it said I hadn't played. I thought "Darn, I missed a day." Wouldn't have any clue otherwise as I don't keep track of my days played or anything.
  • Okay, you did delete your post lol. I replied and then everything dissappeared. Yeah, they changed it this morning.
    Also, I don't think playing everyday matters, but playing in every event matters a bit more.
  • Geez, bummer. I was stoked about the 25 per person ISO, I mean I know it's free but even so that's a bit of a bummer that they changed it.