Letting go of the ones you Love

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
When I first joined the MPQ academy, it was a nice experience. One day 1, I met a man, an Iron Man to be exact. He told me he would protect me during my Prologue days. He was right. He helped me against the bullying of the Dark Avengers. He shielded me with protect tiles and blasted those around us. He could even stun if I helped feed him the nutrition he craved. Iron Man also introduced me to new companions, such as Black Widow, who would stun the biggest bully, Juggernaut for days. Eventually I grew bored of this Prologue. Although Iron Man tried to persuade me to stay and gather more rewards, I yearned for something greater. That was when the man known as Thor caught my attention. Thor told me to leave the Prologue and come to a place called PvE. He told me there was new events all the time, and new stronger friends to make. That was what I did.. I secretly left the prologue to join Thor in the PvE at night. Iron Man eventually figured out what I was doing and I had to tell him, "it's not you, it's me", but I knew inside it was him, he wasn't strong enough for me but I still continued to keep him on my roster of friends.

Thor showered me with more rewards than I could ever imagine. I knew PvE was the place for me. He introduced me to other friends such as Daken, who bullied me in the Prologue but now that I was cool with Thor, it opened the doors for me. However, new doors meant new bullies. Ares, Bullseye and Moonstone constantly taunted me. Yet, me and Thor were doing great but I was never at the top of the class, I was down below the T250 and I knew I could be better. I was beginning to think that Thor, like Iron Man, was not strong enough for me. That was when I met Thor's younger brother of the same name except he went under the simple moniker, "Modern". I called him 3Thor because he told me of this place called 3* Land and how I could venture to place called PvP for additional rewards and glory. Although he was younger than my Thor and had the same skills, somehow he was stronger and higher in class. He was a bit fatter but that did not bother me when I saw he could wipe out a group of 3 bullies in one shot. He was simply amazing and I wanted to be friends with him. But he was so difficult to catch his full attention. This was back in 2014, times were harder back then than they are today. I worked hard trying to garner more of his attention. I even tried this PvP on my own.. it was tough.. really tough.. my Thor just was not strong enough.

I prayed everyday to gather the attention of the 3* population. Then a few months later a miracle happened.. Professor Deadpool launched a new program called "Daily Quest". This allowed me to start making friends with the 3* population and I started getting better in this place called PvP. Soon Thor got jealous.. he was noticing more and more that I really wanted to be with his younger brother. Sadly at the same time, I had to say goodbye to my first love Iron Man. I had not hungout with him in a long time. We grew apart and we were at different points in our life.. I had to delete him to make room for the new 3* friends. Thor saw this and knew he would see a similar fate. He was right. I finally gained the full attention of 3Thor and we left for PvP. I still played PvE alot, I never stopped playing it and I was the T100 of the class. However, I no longer came to PvE with the man I started calling 2Thor. I left this land that was called 2*. 3* land was where I needed to be, I felt more comfortable there. I even noticed other brothers of my 2* companions. Younger Daken was better than his older counterpart, infact he had more knives. I also noticed the brother of Human Torch, except he was actually older and better, unlike Thor and Daken. I also caught the glimpse of a much younger Storm, sporting a nice mohawk. Her swarm of attack tiles made all the boys in the yard go crazy!

I spent the next year here in 3* University but I kept hearing about a new place.. 4* land. At that time, there wasn't many students and they were not very good, plus it was nearly impossible to get to. Soon after I grew bored of 3* land, I was friends with everyone and they were as strong as they could be. 4* land was still unobtainable and no one really stroke my interest in the way 3Thor did. Although he oddly had a sister of the same name that attended 4* land, it wasn't where I wanted to go. That was when a huge announcement was made... "Championing!" A way for all of us to get stronger.. together! We were all growing stronger together and it was quite fun. Despite this new class feature, I noticed some of the 3* boys were handing out these little bags of something. It was called.. CP. CP, what's that I asked? It's a drug that if you take enough of, you can imagine yourself in 4* land but only briefly. Wow, I said to myself. Unlike most of my fellow friends, I did not use this CP right away, I hoarded it. I did not want a brief high of 4*'s.. I wanted to be there.. permanently.

My goal was to gather all the CP I could and unleash this high on Christmas morning. The problem was, in order to fully get the high of the CP, you needed a chaser drug called Iso, but that's another story. I fought long and hard gathering this CP drug.. boy was it an addiction. My champed friends were giving me more and more. I even started talking to my 2* friends again once I realized how good it was to champ them, but unlike my 3* pals, I recycled the 2* champs friends when I needed them. I had a book bag full of CP and I saw my friends walking with these new 4* warriors... I could not take it anymore.. I used the CP on Thanksgiving. I was very thankful.. infact I became best friends with the sister Thor. She was amazing! We were destroying everyone in PvP class. I noticed she was even better with Iron Man's cousin, Model 40 (IM40). The reason I have not spoke about my love affair with IM40 was because he did not impress me like his prologue cousin.. but somehow one day he got better.. much better.. and played great with others. I reached the near top of the both the PvP and PvE class, even the occasional Boss class.

I graduated from many different universities, growing stronger and smarter. I fell in love with many people, but also let go of many people. It has been quite the journey and I made many difficult decisions. I love this place called 4* land.. I gathered more friends.. nearly 20 champs to be exact. On the other hand, is this where I want to be? I heard of a place called 5* land but it's even more difficult to get to. The CP drug rarely takes you there.. and Professor Deadpool stopped helping me at 3* land, so I guess 4* land is where I belong... for now.


  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I remember my first beer
  • Bondidude
    Bondidude Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Come on man...  Throw a brother a TL;DR next time.

    Hendross said:
    I remember my first beer
    When I was 17, I drank some really good beer, I drank some really good beer, That I purchased with a fake ID, my name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen, when I was 17
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    It was a long time ago, but one day I got bored and frustrated crushing candy, so I tried playing with some new friends.  They showed me something new and easy to play.  I quickly learned that my enemies attack me with these countdown tiles, so I used my clever candy crushing skills to eliminate them.  I also used my skills to setup match 4's and 5's too.  Enemies were falling down left and right, but they kept getting harder.  Some of the enemies even started making matches too!  That threw off my tile setup strategy.

    Eventually, I discovered something - every now and then I could fire off these additional powers.  Wow, that's cool.  Look at them go down!  Wait a second.......are my matches fueling this powers?  They are!  Oh, this just got a lot more interesting........and challenging.  Now I have to decide between making a match 4 or making a match 3 to fuel a power.  OK, I got this match 3 battle thing down. 

    What's this?  Rewards?  What do I use those for?  Oh..........I can fight with more characters, and make them stronger too!  Now I get it.  Onto battle then!  I need more rewards!

    [the next day or so]

    Me: Ironman, Black Widow and Storm, come join me for another battle! 
    Storm: do you realize that my green power gives you more AP for powers?
    Me: Really? I didn't notice that until you mentioned it.  Wow, your lightning strike is so cool now.
    Widow: Not as cool as my stun.  Her lightning is just a means to an end.
    Ironman: Yeah, I'm the end. The big gun.  Just give me some red and I'll blow them away.
    Storm: Don't forget yellow, Ironman, we need some protection!

    [1 week later]

    Me: alright guys, you all know the drill: Storm, get green for your lightning. Ironman, get yellow for protection. Widow, get blue and try to keep a stun lock going.  Once we have control, Ironman will gather red and start wiping them out. 
    Ironman: Hey! What about my blue power?  It's killer.
    Me: Sorry, Ironman, Widow's stun lock is better. 
    Widow: You know I can do more than just stun, I can steal too.
    Me: Really?  At that cost?  Well, if there's nothing better to match, I'll get you some purple.

    [3 weeks later]

    Thor: The time has come metal man; you need to step aside.
    Ironman: What! I've carried this team since the beginning.  Back me up bbigler.
    Me: Sorry Ironman, you are replaceable as the big gun.
    Widow:  But not me, right?  No one can beat my stun lock.
    Me: Ummmm.....widow......you are pretty to look at, but your older twin sister is coming

    [3 weeks later]

    Me: Alright, now we have the dream team!  Thor, OBW and 1* Storm, you guys are nearly winfinite.
    Thor: This is true, we can defeat any foe in PVE or PVP.
    OBW: I don't know how you guys ever survived without me.
    1* Storm: My red power is absolutely ridiculous!  Bring on those goons!
    Me: There's just one problem.  1* Storm is a lightning rod for PVP attacks!  Your health is just too low.
    1* Storm: I'm sorry, my awesomeness is offset by my fragility.
    Me: We're interviewing other candidates for your position.

    [3 months later]

    Me: Thor, OBW, you've done very well.  You can pair up with anyone for PVP.
    Thor: True, we can defeat any foe, no matter the size.
    Widow: Ummmm......didn't anyone notice that Thor is a lot bigger now.
    Me: Yes, he's gotten an upgrade, which brings me to my next point.  You're not strong enough for PVP anymore.
    OBW: But no one can steal AP better than me!
    Me: Well, there's a new guy on the block that's pretty good at it.  He likes to wear a hood.

    [3 months later]

    Me: Thor, Hood, you guys are unstoppable and strike fear in those that play PVP!
    Thor: True, we can defeat any foe with ease.  Even the mightiest will fall with my chain attacks.
    Hood: Don't forget who saves your butt from getting attacked all the time.  Without me, you would fall.
    Thor: You have been useful small hooded man, like a dangerous pet.
    Hood: It's because of my aid from Dormammu that I strike fear in others to attain #1 in PVP!
    Me: Yes, it's amazing!  We've never been able to dominate PVE and PVP like this ever before!

    [1 month later]

    Me: Well guys, we've had a good run, but I'm burned out.  I can't take this anymore.
    Thor: But we are dominating........attaining top 5 in every event!  We can't stop now.
    Hood: You have to stay, my passive power can stop any opponent with ease.
    Thor: Plus, our army has grown mighty and diverse.  Captain America, Black Panther and Magneto can help too.
    Me: That's true Thor, our army is mighty, but your captain needs a desperate holiday.  Farewell. 
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Ummm. Huh. Just send them to a farm we all know. They come back to visit, really. If you love them they never truly go away. Or. Glad to see your boss is gone for the day golfing. Lol.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is what happens when IOS players are locked out
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    Well, I'm not reading that wall of text.  Is he retiring again?
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    No, he's not retiring, he just wanted to write a narrative to express his feelings playing the game.  I thought it was amusing, so I wrote one too. 
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definition of TL;DR. But I get the sentiment. Pained me to sell off IM35 and MBW. Two of my favorites when starting the game, but hey, life goes on, so do we, just how we do it is no mystery.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint said:
    This is what happens when IOS players are locked out

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Locked out Pun means I make my lovely posts. Sometimes we need some different kind of posts on these forums, even if they're weird little narratives. Glad some people enjoyed them :)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    No, he's not retiring, he just wanted to write a narrative to express his feelings playing the game.  I thought it was amusing, so I wrote one too. 
    Me: We're interviewing other candidates for your position.

    This made me spit my drink out! Thanks for joining in on the fun and also explaining what this post is about.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    nyck1118 said:
    GTFO im not reading this long tinykitty tinykitty. seriously. whats with you and walls of pointless text.

    No one told you to read it. If you couldn't figure out what this post was from the first paragraph then I'm sorry you weren't amused like the others.

    There's other posts in the subforums under Character and Event Discussions that you might find more suitable :D
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint said:
    This is what happens when IOS players are locked out

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Locked out Pun means I make my lovely posts. Sometimes we need some different kind of posts on these forums, even if they're weird little narratives. Glad some people enjoyed them :)

    For extra credit, you really need to merge your odd, meandering narratives with useful game information.  Here's my favorite two examples:



  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    nyck1118 said:
    GTFO im not reading this long tinykitty tinykitty. seriously. whats with you and walls of pointless text.

    No one told you to read it. If you couldn't figure out what this post was from the first paragraph then I'm sorry you weren't amused like the others.
    I think your Penthouse Forum submission needs a bit of tweaking. 
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Because I like writing these......(I hope you enjoy it)

    [9 months later]

    Me: Wow, I haven't played for 9 months, I think I've forgotten how this game works.  Who is this new guy?
    Deadpool: Hey Buddy! Welcome back, you know you can't just walk away from this game.
    Me: I thought I could, but life gets a little boring sometimes, so I thought I would check in.
    Deadpool: Well, I'm here to make this game fun again.  My daily quest rewards a 3* cover every day!
    Me: Everyday!  I used to kill myself playing PVE and PVP to get a single 3* cover.  That's awesome!
    Deadpool: I know, it's much better now, but some other things have changed since you've been gone.
    Me: Like what?
    Deadpool: Character levels were adjusted to 94 | 166 | 270 and now we have a weekly boosted list.
    Me: All these levels are a little confusing, plus what's going on with these new 4*s?
    Deadpool: Oh yeah, the character release train never stopped and now we have a bunch of new 4*s.
    Me: Oh well, I'll never max cover any of them, so I'll just focus on the 3*s.
    Deadpool: That's a good idea, but never say never.

    [2 months later]

    Hood: I'm getting tired of this man, you drag me into almost every battle.
    Me: I know, I know, it's a little boring, but you're just that good, dude.
    Hood: By the way, what's up with all the new hires?  Can you afford to pay them all?
    Me: Well, my new buddy Deadpool needs me to hire everyone that applies so that I get his rewards.
    Hood: Hmmmm......that sounds both good and bad, but you don't have enough HP to expand the company.
    Me: Right, so I have to spend some real money to keep all the new hires.
    Hood: It's getting crowded around here already.  We were only planning to hire 50 people.
    Me: My bigger problem is trying to pay them all.  I just don't have enough ISO to go around.
    Hood: Then we will break them into tiers, the top tier ones get paid the most.
    Me: OK, sounds like a good plan, but what about all these 4* interns?  They're not paid at all.
    Hood: Don't worry, they're just interns.  Eventually, they'll become productive.

    [2 months later]

    Me: Welcome to the All Hands Company meeting. We've grown a lot this past quarter due to our merger with Deadpool Industries.  Our employee of the month, for the 4th month in a row, is.....The Hood.  Please come up.
    Hood: Ummmm.....yeah.....I'm looking for other career opportunities at this time, so you better pick someone else.
    Me: We'll skip that then.  Next on the agenda is our new consulting firm.  You may remember their preliminary visit by Mr. Surfer.  Please welcome Epic RNG Inc. They have a 5 star rating! 

    (crowd murmurs: who is this? some fat cats to spoil our party? reduce our pay? make us obsolete?)

    OML: I have been around for a long time and seen many battles.  Even my healing isn't what it used to be.  Just the other day my grandson hit me with his nerf gun and that stung a bit.  Anyway, I have seen the future of this industry and Epic RNG can help you get there.  There is a place called 5 Star Land that will ensure the future of this company.  We have analyzed the numbers and have a 3 year migration plan for you.  Now, I'm not here to say that it will be easy, but I hope you all find that it is worth it.  I will be giving viewings regularly of 5 Star Land to keep this vision alive. 

    (crowd murmurs: 3 year plan! I can't wait that long. --- But look at 5 Star Land! It's amazing. --- But he said that it wasn't going to be easy. --- Oh come on, how hard could it be. --- We'll be migrating for years!)

    Me: Please calm down everyone.  I know this isn't easy to hear; it's news to me as well. 
    Crowd: Are we going to lose our jobs!?
    Me: No, I need all of you to keep working as before.  Many of you have not reached your full potential.
    Crowd: If you have to make budget cuts, can we get rid of these useless 4* interns?
    Me: No, Mr. Logan has assured me that they are essential in the migration plan.
    Crowd: I'm not taking a back seat to these 4* interns, I'm a senior 3* staff member!
    Me: I assure you that everyone will be needed in some way.  Our event organizer is passing out your required event notices.
    Crowd: Hey, this event notice is only once a month!  That's a serious pay cut!

    (thinking to myself: this is crazy, I don't have to deal with this, I could be relaxing at home right now.....)

    Me: In light of these recent developments, I have decided to step down again as CEO.  I will be spending some much needed time with my family.  Goodbye.