Bring back Quick Battle? Do you want it back?



  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bring Back Quick Battle.

    Sounds like they are going to have an excessive amount of PvE events going on for players to grind runes instead. I honestly never liked QB... so much grinding for such piddly rewards, unless you were a real grinder... and then WAY too many games for the prayer of a non-dupe.  But yea, I would like to be able to test decks and get something more than 100 runes per match.

  • Furordraco
    Furordraco Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    yes yes yes. I need moar and moar runes and something to play when there is no event
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2017
    Training Grounds is great. Let QB Rest In Peace
    I was a little disappointed there weren't more options available to choose from.

    I don't know much about Quick Battle so please correct me if I am wrong. Keep in mind, I started right near the deathbed of Quick Battle.

    Personally, I did not like Quick Battle. As a new player, here is my experience.

    1. I felt there was a huge disparity between newer players and veteran players. When just starting out, there is very little chance that you will succeed and get a prize you felt was rewarding. Now newer players generally want better cards. However, quick battle felt hopeless once you get to a certain rank level/matchup level, all I saw were Pig Olivia.. against my Outland Boar. Whooo Hooo! It caused a lot of rage quits and phone throws. Honestly, I almost deleted my game... luckily I went to story mode to farm cyrstals for packs...

    2. It felt grindy and benefited the individual with the most time available on their hands (not to mention the guy with the best cards but I digress). You could play endlessly, great. Well so can the other guy. What does this mean? I have to play 100s maybe even 1000s of games to even get to a decent reward level. And those games would not be fun, probably more frustration (see number 1). The effort vs feeling of satisfaction vs reward felt really skewed.

    Therefore, if you plan on bringing quick battle back, I believe it needs to be rebalanced and reworked to be fair. I don't need to feel like a helpless boar in a king's royal hunt. But even taking the current TG and modifying it as people have mentioned for better endless matches payouts past progression sounds feasible. Honestly, I like that I can invest a little time and still get decent rewards that are attainable for all without feeling downtrodden. But, I, like many others want runes as well; but, there must be better ways of doing that going forward.

  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    Not sure why they thought grinding for runes was so evil, but they cited it as a reason they got rid of it. If people want to grind they should let them. If they take out the mythic reward for first and just give the super pack + rare, i think that is a good enough compromise those who still want rewards for the effort, yet not give out the mythics so freely. 
  • luckyvulpi
    luckyvulpi Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    I remember calculating my day around the end of quick battle timers so I could join in the last couple hours and score a random rare because of placing in the top 150.  I would like something like quick battle to come back, so I could have a shot at earning more cards with the decks I built before they were deemed worthless... but I don't know if having it favor certain people with more time/better timezones would be best
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    My vote is Training Ground, but 300 runes per win again. Accomplishes their stated goal switching to TG, but doesn't hamper people who used QB to grind runes.
    This is the best compromise
  • Kinesia
    Kinesia Posts: 1,621 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bloody apathetic human.
    QB had huge problems. So does Training Grounds. _Neither_ is any good. We need something new to fill these roles. We also need fixed "login and get card" stuff.

    What I want is something like:

    5 coloured nodes and a blank (locked) one in the middle.

    The planeswalkers you pick are locked, you can change your deck but not the walker, you can't use anyone twice.
    This by itself would fix a lot of annoyances.

    Matching needs to be done by a ranking system but _also_ give a slight nod to the level of your walker. If I am testing my level 20 Sorin I shouldn't _only_ be playing against the people of my rank who don't happen to be testing something lower that day. I don't know how to balance it, but it's needed.

    The rewards for each of these nodes should be a random standard card _replacing_ the "1 every two hours" completely, get rid of that. Plus a bunch of runes.

    Only when you have one all the outer nodes does the middle one unlock and you can use anyone you want that you havent already used.
    The reward for this node is the current gold crystals but also a _legacy_ 3 pack of cards, like the free pack used to be.

    You can then replay any of the nodes later just for runes. This lets you test a particular deck or walker over and over.

    If you want some kind of ranking reward thing you could add this onto the unlockable centre node, only accessible after you've done the rest. But I think the rewards should be very minimal if it is grindable. Time considerations matter a lot.

    Anyway... I would prefer this type of arrangement then the current free card system and it would encourage people to play more instead of just login.

  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Bloody apathetic human.
    Not sure why they thought grinding for runes was so evil, but they cited it as a reason they got rid of it. If people want to grind they should let them. If they take out the mythic reward for first and just give the super pack + rare, i think that is a good enough compromise those who still want rewards for the effort, yet not give out the mythics so freely. 
    They were reacting to the 'feedback' / brag topics on the official forums where people were saying they were sitting on hundreds of thousands (or millions) of Runes with nothing to spend it on.

    People were asking for additional spending options like purchasing 3-card boosters with Runes or being able to convert Runes to Crystals. But what we currently have was apparently seen as the solution to the problem.

    The excess Rune threads/comments did stop though.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Training Grounds is great. Let QB Rest In Peace
    Not sure why they thought grinding for runes was so evil, but they cited it as a reason they got rid of it. If people want to grind they should let them. If they take out the mythic reward for first and just give the super pack + rare, i think that is a good enough compromise those who still want rewards for the effort, yet not give out the mythics so freely. 
    They were reacting to the 'feedback' / brag topics on the official forums where people were saying they were sitting on hundreds of thousands (or millions) of Runes with nothing to spend it on.

    People were asking for additional spending options like purchasing 3-card boosters with Runes or being able to convert Runes to Crystals. But what we currently have was apparently seen as the solution to the problem.

    The excess Rune threads/comments did stop though.
    The other reason was the cheating (and, relatedly, the competitiveness).  Only the very top players of the game were able to grind the dozens of matches per hour required to get top rewards.  People were running emulators to reduce lag and loading times, there were cheats and exploits to get auto wins or just make games go faster, strategies included quitting matches with a bad opening hand in order to get more wins in faster...ect (I think our resident troll @shteev even got banned over posts regarding this, if I remember correctly)
    Many mid and low tier players were complaining over how impossible it was to succeed, especially given how paltry the rewards were out of the top.

    Overall it was just more hassle than it was worth.  Ever since the change (and their fix to ranked rewards) I don't think I've seen a single post about cheating or exploits, as opposed to the several each week we were getting before
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think top 50 got you a rare?

    It wasn't hard to get top 50. A friend got there constantly on 1-2 hours play weeks after he started. But QB basically boiled down to effort and commitment.

    But the cheating was a separate issue that I think was fixed. Why would anyone stop cheating just because QB was gone? Events still offer rewards, and the cheats could clear those quickly. 
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    Mburn7 said:

    People were running emulators to reduce lag and loading times, there were cheats and exploits to get auto wins or just make games go faster, strategies included quitting matches with a bad opening hand in order to get more wins in faster...ect (I think our resident troll @shteev even got banned over posts regarding this, if I remember correctly)
    [citation needed].

    Troll is a bit harsh. I'll only ever post game exploits on the forums weeks or months after the devs have been informed of them and done nothing about them in order to force action to be taken. I want to play a fair game just as much as you do.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    Training Grounds is great. Let QB Rest In Peace
    rather than bring back QB per se, i rather see octagon introduce back daily 24 hour events.

    personally, i prefer short daily events like TG over multi-day grinders like QB. 
  • spadpl
    spadpl Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Bring Back Quick Battle.
    Bring Back Quick Battle - Toxic elite, step forward! :smiley:
  • Fiddler
    Fiddler Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Training Grounds is great. Let QB Rest In Peace
    I loved Quick Battle, until the cheats came out. Why encourage them to come back?
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. Since this post was started in May, and there have been numerous changes to the game since then (and opinions might have changed in 5 months), please use this more recent poll to add your feedback. Thank you!

    Poll Oct'17: Bring Back Quick Battle?
This discussion has been closed.