Idea for Training Grounds

I really like training grounds but my idea that i think would improve the game as a whole would also improve training grounds. 

I like that the last reward is at a low number but i believe it should be raised to 5 and the new rewards should be.

Win 1: 250 Runes
Win 2: 350 Runes
Win 3: 3 Jewels 
Win 4: 450 Runes
Win 5: 15 Crystals 

This would keep the idea of not forcing players to play a lot to get rewards and not foster cheating. However it would make Jewels a little more accessible to everyone. The 3 a day would still take over 3 months to gather the 400 to get the Masterpiece pack without gaining any by other means. Keeping them rare but still increasing their obtainability.