Avg Level of your top three 5*s?

mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
edited May 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
I have made it to a point where I have two championed 5*s (both lv 451) and a lv 435 OML. Unfortunately as expected, I am placed against other champ 5* players who have higher-leveled generally better 5*s (for example lv 460 BB, BW, Thanos, etc).

I'm curious to see how high-leveled the competitions are... How many more champion levels must I win before I have "caught up" to some of you  :o

Please provide the average level of your top three 5*s. So for example if they are 456, 470 and 465, you can put 460, since (456 + 470 + 465) / 3 = 463.6. You are welcome to respond with the names and levels of them as well if you'd like!

Currently, I am scared of certain 5*s... I'll only attack teams that contain championed OMLs, PHXs, Thanos, SS. Does anyone recommend other 5*s I should build up the courage to attack? I suppose I'll have to start going after others soon enough.

Avg Level of your top three 5*s? 87 votes

1% 1 vote
1% 1 vote
1% 1 vote
0% 0 votes
2% 2 votes
1% 1 vote
12% 11 votes
11% 10 votes
3% 3 votes
400 or less
65% 57 votes


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    Lets see... level 455 Phoenix... level 454 OML... Everyone else at base level... that's an average level of 388.

    I'll be back after I open my hoard this weekend though. I suspect the answer will be around 450 at least then.

  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    471 Phx, 460 OML, 454 SS.
    Didn't hoard, but constantly opened and paying for it as anyone that hoarded quickly shoots up to 470-480 on new character who are often stronger.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I'm soft-capped 3 @ 360, since i have none over 11 covers.  
  • Screen Monkey
    Screen Monkey Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    OML @ 345 (7 covers), SM @ 321 (8 covers), phnx @ 315 (4 covers).

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Don't get your hopes up, you will never "catch up".

    MMR will ALWAYS, without fail, give you opponents who are 5-20 levels above your own characters, unless there really is nothing else out at the time - then you'll get the 520+ floaters.

  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    OML 460, Thanos 456, Surfer 455.  

    Out of the rest, only Hawkeye is fully covered and I haven't leveled him yet.  Anyone got 500k ISO I can borrow?
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can we get a ranking of the 5*s please?  Of course, this ranking should come from someone that has most or all of them champed and knows how well they perform. 
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 said:

    Currently, I am scared of certain 5*s... I'll only attack teams that contain championed OMLs, PHXs, Thanos, SS. Does anyone recommend other 5*s I should build up the courage to attack? I suppose I'll have to start going after others soon enough.
    Who are your champed 5*?  You shouldn't be scared of Strange or Natasha either.  Strange doesn't have enough health so you can whittle him down with match damage and not have to fire a bunch of powers until he's gone.  BW hits hard, but her abilities cost a lot so she doesn't do much on defense.  Iron Man, Hulk and Steve Rodgers aren't very scary either, but not many people use them.  Goblin either, although he's stronger than the others I mentioned.  Really, the only 5* I'm scared of is Black Bolt, but I still attack him a bunch as long as he's below 460.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Orion My strongest 5*s are PHX (451), Cap (451) and OML (435).

    I tend to find OML/PHX works better against other OML/PHX teams, because Cap/PHX doesn't use black, so it's challenging for me to collect black against those teams.

    But my OML/PHX/Cap team did better than I thought it would in this current PVP (Earth's Mightiest) [well enough to get me into the 700s].

    I am terrified of Strange's yellow, but I'll go for it. I recently had to fight against a max-champed BW grill... it was pretty rough, but luckily she only got one power off (killing my OML in one shot), so I was still able to take her out.

    Yeah Hulk is probably pretty easy at this point. I never ever see him in PVP. I'm probably one of the only ones who uses Cap, although he's pretty decent due to his boost. I have actually defeated some IMs.

    BB is particularly tough, because his passive is very strong.

    Thanos/BP is probably fantastic on offense, not as good on defense (but still very good on defense).
  • BigRussian
    BigRussian Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    Starfury said:
    255 :p

    Won't waste ISO on them until they're ready to be champed.

    Same. I am working on my 4* roster.. Just champed my 17th 4* (Peggy). Won't sink any iso into a 5*, basically, ever.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    bbigler said:
    Can we get a ranking of the 5*s please?  Of course, this ranking should come from someone that has most or all of them champed and knows how well they perform. 
    I don't claim to be an authority and this is by no means a comprehensive ranking, but here is what I have...

    Nat(467), Strange (466), Thanos (463), Phx (457), OML (456), Surfer (455), Bolt (454), Panther (452)

    I play PvE and PvP pretty competitively, and here is the frequency I use each one at this point....

    Bolt, Nat, Thanos, Panther, OML, Surfer, Phx, Strange

    Bolt, Strange, Thanos, Panther, OML, Surfer, Nat, Phx

    So I think Bolt is hands down the best 5, followed closely by Thanos.  If you PvE Strange is right up there.  Nat works great on PvP defense, but "PvP defense" is honestly a joke, and I'm finding that her damage/AP rarely outperforms some of my better boosted 4*s so I find myself using her less and less despite being my highest leveled character.  PHX was my first, and sadly now my least played.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    @bbigler - I'll chime in on a few other 5*s that Fightmaster didn't mention.

    I loved Black-Suit Spidey for over a year because he's an awesome counter to the OML/PHX teams.  His purple shut them down and he's full rainbow with my own OML.  But OML/PHX is rare to see now so my Spidey almost never sees play anymore.

    Hawkeye is super fun to play and pretty good too.  His abilities are very cheap and once he gets rolling, he fuels himself for more.  Not a top option in PvP or PvE, but he's in the top half.  Hawkeye + Coulson is crazy in PvE against goons.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    Fightmastermpq said:

    "PvP defense" is honestly a joke
    I'm finding the same to be true. I always have this amazing dream that if I can just get high-enough leveled characters, then people will leave me alone. But there are always people who either have more powerful characters than mine, or else I am worth too many points to pass up.

    Surprisingly, there was a time when I was king of the hill. Due to great luck with RNG, I once had a lv 360 OML (back when the only 5*s were OML and SS), and when paired up with my terrifying non-boosted Carnage (lol), I could rise up to 1500+ without anyone attacking me (I was also part of a massive shield-checking alliance family). But that was years ago.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    400 or less, LOL.  Try 255.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't go above my highest 4 star on my roster, so I take them to 270. But I only have (2) 5* currently.
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    I haven't spent a single iso on a 5*, given that I'm not one for PVP (because the mechanics in place make it I increasingly hard to do well for nonspenders) and I would much rather champion 4* because my iso influx is hugely dependant on 2* farming and the odd iso reward. I'm a collector more than anything and I would rather be able to perform in PVE and DDQ. Outside of a random streak of BiB Spidey Blues, I'm far from having any of my 5* remotely championable.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I put OML and Thanos up to 280 (slightly below my biggest legendaries) solely to speed through trivial PVE missions and the Lightning Round seeds. I'll throw in my 270 Phoenix or Dr Strange. to work with them, with the Phoenix able to tank for the 3* Thanos who does more damage with Court Death.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I have a 458 and two 453's, so averages to 450.

    Wasn't surprised that below 400 is max answer....WAS surprised to see 460 > 450 (currently 14% > 10%)
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2017
    PHX- 3/3/5 @ 420
    IM46- 5/5/1 @ 375
    Cap- 0/4/3 @ 360
    Nat- 0/4/3 @ 345
    Hulk- 5/0/2 @ 330
    BB- 1/1/5 @ 330
    SS- 1/3/2 @ 315
    GG- 0/3/2 @ 300
    Strange- 4/1/3 @ 285
    BSSM- 1/1/1 @ 285
    Thanos- 0/1/4 @ 255
    BP- 2/0/0 @ 255
    HE- 1/1/0 @ 255
    SL- 1/0/0 @ 255
    OML- I sold... was 1/4/0 @ 330... Did get an IM46, a BB, and a BSSM for him so.......

    WOW!! That's a lot of 5*s when you list it like that..... I remember when SS, OML, and PHX were it!!

    They really need a 5* only vault with that list.....

    I've recently stopped putting iso into my 5s to concentrate on my 4* tier- PVE is no problem with scaling, but PVP can be a tinykitty without boosted champ 4s