Is there a specific save/identifying file for MPQ?

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
I know when I used to play Puzzles and Dragons that was a specific file ( data048.bin) you could backup that served as your 'identifier'. Whenever the game was loaded, the server would check that file and then pull up your account for that device.

Does MPQ operate in the same way? Is there a file you could backup that would forever serve as your identifier?

If I don't get an answer, I'll try to investigate this later when I have more time.


  • I expect the official response is going to be to link with your facebook account.

    But there's also a player ID that you can see if you use the feedback (mail/envelope) icon in game. It takes you to a form that is pre-filled with your user ID. If you have that, I think they can link you up to your progress on the server should your device ever fail you.
  • Yea, that's what made me suspect there was a file.

    It would be much easier to just backup that file and have it ready, instead of waiting on customer service to respond if anything bad ever happened.
  • I see three files in an old Titanium Backup archive that contain info that is likely to be important - two .dat files and one .xml file. The "save" file has the same GUID as gets put in the feedback form, but I suspect it's one of the other two files that actually identifies you to the server. Anyway, I don't want to be too specific because I'm not sure how the devs will feel about it.

    Interesting that there's an "EverSpentMoney" property in the save file... and a number of other statistics. I'm gonna want to pull a more recent version to see "BattlesCompleted" and "TotalPlayTimeSeconds".
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,328 Site Admin
    fatcatfan wrote:
    I see three files in an old Titanium Backup archive that contain info that is likely to be important - two .dat files and one .xml file. The "save" file has the same GUID as gets put in the feedback form, but I suspect it's one of the other two files that actually identifies you to the server. Anyway, I don't want to be too specific because I'm not sure how the devs will feel about it.

    Interesting that there's an "EverSpentMoney" property in the save file... and a number of other statistics. I'm gonna want to pull a more recent version to see "BattlesCompleted" and "TotalPlayTimeSeconds".
    It's not like we can really stop people from poking around in the files whether we want you to or not. They're on your device after all. A lot of those statistics though are from before we implemented actual server side tracking of various stuff, so while they may or may not count up due to legacy code, I don't think we're using any of those at this point.
  • Apparently the file is also now obfuscated or compressed, previously it was mostly plain text. It's not interesting enough to me to bother with figuring that out.