Boosted team-ups doing base damage?

Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
I've had this happen twice now and not sure why. When 4* Jean Grey was boosted a month ago I tried to use her team-ups and it only did the normal 5K(ish) damage instead of the boosted 9K damage it should have done. 

Today it happened again with a War Machine team up. Info said it should have done 15k damage when I chose it before the fight, but when I went to use it in game it only did 7k damage.


  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hey there Player1575, to my knowledge this has yet to have been reported as a recent issue. Is this a consistent issue with all team-ups that are boosted? Or have you only been noticing this with your Team-ups at random? If this is affecting all of your team-ups, can you screenshot what you're seeing in the ability description and then screenshots of the before and after of the ability firing? The screenshots you provide with who you are using as a team-up and with the characters shown on your team and your opponents team as well as the composition of the board will greatly aid the investigation into this matter.

    The reason why I am asking for this, is because there may be another ability or special tile on the board that could be affecting the results that you were encountering.