Server Issues Compensation (5/2/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
Hi Everyone,

We understand that the recent server issues have had a rather negatively-impacting effect on everyone's experience within the game, and that was not the kind of experience we wanted players to go through following the anticipated release of the 2.0 update. 

As a thank you for being so patient and understanding while we fixed these issues, we will be sending everyone 100 Mana Crystals in the game as a token of our appreciation. 

In addition, we're also aware of the issues pertaining to the Coalition Rewards. Rest assured, the development team is investigating this incident, and we'll do our best to keep everyone updated.


  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2017
    Almost 2 booster packs worth of crystals, great....
    Can we get a confirmation whether this event will be rerun next week ?
  • Infested
    Infested Posts: 98 Match Maker
    Thanks for acknowledging there is a problem and helping us out a little due to those issues.

    Can you also look into the match making issues. 
  • Thuran
    Thuran Posts: 456 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, 100 crystals completely compensates for one of the most important recent events being a complete tinnykittyup, and people being robbed of rewards due to messed up matchmaking, messed up tiebreakers, and randomly getting game losses because the game felt like bugging out....

    Frankly this mostly feels like an insult, and I sure hope something more substantial is coming along, especially considering the deafening silence that has been a hallmark of the past weekend.  It feels a little like the dev team said "just give them 100 crystals and they will forget everything", so it really seems to underestimate just what a disaster the past 5 days have been (since all the BP issues began as early as Friday).

    Or should we interpret that the dev team thinks one of the best cards is the entire game is equivalent to 100 crystals? ;) 
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    be careful with your words, according to the new forum rules your behaviour could be interpreted as acting like a jerk and you could be silenced
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Thanks.   :)  Hope they can figure out the coalition issue soon.
  • Sarahschmara
    Sarahschmara Posts: 554 Critical Contributor
    Thanks @brigby. I know you're doing your best!
  • Nezumi
    Nezumi Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2017
    @brigy I appreciate the gesture of compensation. However, I was locked in at 46th with my score of 266. This was just minutes before the event ends. Then my final reward screen blank and I didn't get the mythic I should have had. There are definitely others with the same experience as me. 100 crystals doesn't really do us justice knowing that several of us were in the top 50 and got knocked out by people with the SAME score as us. This is not how tie-breaking has ever worked in the past. If you check the game records, you'll see that there were a lot of us who should have gotten the mythic.

    Rather than 100 crystals, I would much rather receive the event reward that, from as far as I can tell from the system, I was entitled to.

    I have already submitted a ticket, but it was suspended, and I have no idea how things will end up.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's an idea... give us an Amonket booster, just don't let us open it yet :)
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    This post was primarily referencing the latency issues originally encountered during the weekend. When it comes to coalition rewards, the developers are still actively investigating it, and I will keep everyone updated of any news that arises
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do I understand it right, that the compensation is for the inconvenience of the bugs in general, and is not especially related to the broken event reward system / tiebreaking system, @brigby? If I'm right : good move, and absolutely fair. If not : meh.

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    Yes. The 100 Mana Crystals are given as compensation for the inconvenience of the server issues that players encountered this past weekend.

    The problems regarding the event rewards / tie-breaking system are separate issues, and are currently being investigated by the development team.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2017
    I'm still more than a little irritated that they A) launched the biggest event in months immediately after an unstable update and then B) relaunched said event the following day after applying some band-aids rather than waiting another week. It cost me any chance at the mythic because I was in no-man's land and had no cell service from about 5 hours before the event started until about 24 hours after the event started. Had it started on Friday and worked like anticipated, it wouldn't have been an issue for me at all. I suspect all the rushing is due to the fact that it's time for AKH to be here and they don't want to delay that any longer than necessary.

    edit: I hate emojis
  • naphomci
    naphomci Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    I hope there is going to be a real opportunity to get Rishkar's. Nothing like starting off with 15 perfect only to get matched 3 in row with walkers 25+ levels higher. Oh, then there was the freeze match. Unless there is actual compensation for what we lost out on, any consideration of spending money is gone (not that there was much to begin with since D3 still hasn't addressed how taking away QB packs and rares "helps" newer players).
  • Iworb
    Iworb Posts: 61 Match Maker
    I've got no crystas neither coalition rewards. Double luck  :(
  • GamerX
    GamerX Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    edited May 2017

    With the rewards being bugged as a known issue will we get what we earned eventually?  Should we be submitting tickets for our missing rewards?  I don't want to flood them with issues if it is already being worked on.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    Nezumi said:
    @brigy I appreciate the gesture of compensation. However, I was locked in at 46th with my score of 266. This was just minutes before the event ends. Then my final reward screen blank and I didn't get the mythic I should have had. There are definitely others with the same experience as me. 100 crystals doesn't really do us justice knowing that several of us were in the top 50 and got knocked out by people with the SAME score as us. This is not how tie-breaking has ever worked in the past. If you check the game records, you'll see that there were a lot of us who should have gotten the mythic.

    Rather than 100 crystals, I would much rather receive the event reward that, from as far as I can tell from the system, I was entitled to.

    I have already submitted a ticket, but it was suspended, and I have no idea how things will end up.

    Exactly! And I am one of them. I was one rank higher, also with 266 ribbons. Also blank final reward screen and no mythic. Also submitted a ticket and that one got suspended as well.

    Keep fighting @Nezumi! I don't want our achievement go to waste by not getting Rishkar's Expertise. We did exactly the same what several other players achieved without getting the same rewards. Total nonsense and unfair.

  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    Im actually one of probably dozens who lost their match due to server maintenance I won the fight but didnt get the points and had to hard quit the game. Finished with 264 and 27th in gold (oh the irony) I would be in top 10 with 271 but hey ho ... at least I got 100 crystals for the compensation which according to D3 is equal to Rishkars Expertize
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    edited May 2017
    Your mistake was choosing to quit.

    Sit on the rewards screen and wait.  When servers come back up, you hit retry and voila.  You get the points.

    I did that.
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:

    This post was primarily referencing the latency issues originally encountered during the weekend. When it comes to coalition rewards, the developers are still actively investigating it, and I will keep everyone updated of any news that arises
    I wasn't referring to the tiebreaker system. I was referring to all of the players who lost out on RE due to freezes and other bugs.