Scaling. Seriously.

edited April 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
My strongest character is a maxed MN Thor(my only maxed **/***)and my usual team consists of the MN thor, Lv 70 MN magneto and a Lv 45 OBW .Somehow I have gotten into this zone at the hunt event where every enemy I face are over level 100 and some of them completely impossible at 230<- I have not been abusing boosts(I tend to forget about their existance actually), I don't have an OP character like ***Spidey, or whatever that might have caused this to happen. Why does the game do this to be and how do I get out of it?


  • u shouldn't farm node more than once each 8h exept if u can clean ilvl 230+ team without any damage. ( stun ennemy with op spidey, delay with OP OBW, clean ennemy cast with magneto / capt or other ... )

    u want easy team, catch a moderne storm with your thor and free win.