Coalition Mana Crystals

eatstatic Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
I really like how you guys have made it so that Mana Crystals are obtainable only as a coalition in coalition events so that you either group up with some people who will play a whole lot or just don't get them.  I mean, forget those casual players right?  Right.


  • hawkyh1
    hawkyh1 Posts: 780 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    I think it's a case of weekend events usually take
    longer so give out more rewards. it just so happens
    that the weekend events are coalition based ie it's
    a time when most in a coalition can play as a team.
    specific examples of it being unfair would be
    make it clearer what you mean?

  • eatstatic
    eatstatic Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Actually, i think i just realized that i was wrong.. I was only looking at the rewards for the "tokens" that get earned. Those only give out the crystals (I was talking about Jewels in the previous post, or whatever the purple ones are called), but the individual rank ones still give out the Jewels.  I had thoguht it was setup so only coalitions were getting the Jewels, but its not.  Case closed. :)