Card graphics

Happened in older version too, that sometimes a picture of a card wasn't shown, but now it's in every game, and also now wrong pictures are shown in cards, saw that a Tyrant of the Valakut got the picture of a Avarocious Dragon... so that's not good.
Hope it's just me and my older IPad (3d gen) not coping with the game...


  • sutoLkcalB
    sutoLkcalB Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    For me it is the image of the first card in my hand which gets lost. Moving that first card to the second place in my hand gives it the image of the second card. So the first and second card have the same image (being the wrong one for the second card now)

    Drawing the same card later on also brings back the image. So the card drawn has the image correctly.
    Prized Amalgam (PA) for example gets its image back. When one PA is in the Graveyard and you play a PA from your hand, the PA from the graveyard comes back w/o image (during the animation) - but in the end the image is there.
    But still the image for the original PA is missing. Meaning each time it is brought back from the graveyard - the image during the animation sequence is missing.