
losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
This new UI seems much slower (and buggier) than the last one or is it just me ?


  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    Training grounds hung on my first battle. There goes my W/L ratio.
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    also do not click on buy mana crystals, Not that I want You to save some of your hard-earned money its not eally my business but I want you to save your sanity as it closes after a minute or so
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker

  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    2nd game, I've seen 3 broken card images already.
    THEMAGICkMAN Posts: 697 Critical Contributor
    Just 3? I haven't had a single card image that works. I screenshot a funny one of DtG and Shrine with the art for Tamiyos Journal. 
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    OGW 'Join Event' button isn't working at all for me.

    [edit] Although I have played my 4 Training Grounds games.

    [edit] Oh, and now I'm stuck on the event screen, and none of the buttons in the top left menu are working... they all flash when I click on them, but instead of taking me to the correct screen they just close the menu.

    [edit] I quit the app, restarted the game, and now seem to been able to join the event from the activity hub.
  • Laeuftbeidir
    Laeuftbeidir Posts: 1,841 Chairperson of the Boards
    shteev said:
    [edit] I quit the app, restarted the game, and now seem to been able to join the event from the activity hub.
    "Have you tried switching it off- and on again?"
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. So it seems that shteev was able to resolve his event joining error with a quick app restart. Is anyone else still having trouble after performing that same procedure?


    Was that the error you received when you attempted to buy Mana Crystals?
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,439 Chairperson of the Boards
    @ Brigby my error message like that came from trying to claim a free pack. A reboot fixed it.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    Ah ok. I'll jot that down in case someone else experiences that same scenario, but hopefully it was a one-time random hiccup you encountered. Thanks for the info!
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    @Brigby I think I was switching between activity hub and crystals buying screen.
    It seems better now but I didnt play much
    I can only blame the fact that game had high number of players joining at the same time which could put a strain on the server, on top of that we have about 1100 card images which needs to be redownloaded in 3 or 4 sizes I'll post back in few days if game is still laggy and buggy
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Created several bug threads from comments


    Understood. Please reach out to me if you still seem to encounter any more laggy issues from the update a few days later. Thanks!
  • toastie
    toastie Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    @Brigby getting this trying to finish a battle:


    Would be really nice if I didn't start the event by losing points.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    I'm not 100% sure if it's related to this, but the team just decided to do a brief server maintenance in an attempt to alleviate some of the issues with the latency and lag. 

    I'd recommend trying again after the maintenance is completed. If the error still persists, then please reach out to me again. Thanks for understanding!
  • toastie
    toastie Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    @Brigby Looks like the maintenance is over? Still getting the same error.
  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2017
    They started a new maintenance.  I saw a 30+ minute timer on it.  Popped up as I was editing a deck.
    EDIT: 23 minutes remaining on the maintenance timer as of 3:13 east coast US time.