Ajani Unyielding: Official Thread



  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Matthew said:
    @matthew jerkface ;P I'm jealous. You gonna add mirrorpool trample and evolutionary leap in there too?? 
    Mirrorpool and EL are two cards I have given up on ever getting. If the dupe conversion system isn't total garbage, Mirrorpool will be on the top of the list of "cards to get that I still don't have".


    Snarkiness aside, I think it's a good thing that Aj2 is as balanced as he appears to be. He is all around better than either C2 or N2, and I think we can say that unequivocally. I also think that like T2, he will remain relevant at least for the next block, if not longer. He has an unprecedented life total, as well as some very unique abilities. Even if you don't have the perfect library of Energize cards, you can still set him up to be a real powerhouse. And beyond that, some of the cards from the older blocks (GR & Deploy, for one example) will make up for his less-than-generic abilities.

    As for T2, I think the U/B color combo would have made him a better PW no matter what, even not counting for the fact that he's built around KLD/AER mechanics. It would be hard to make a U/B PW that didn't suck.


    I actually agree with how they have set up his mana gains. Green has ridiculous ramp; we know this already. It would make sense for them to slow that down a bit on Aj2 in the name of balance. It also makes sense when you look at his ridiculous max health, and his max deck contents. Four supports seems quite limiting, but it does two important things.

    1) It forces you to consider your overall strategy for your deck, which leads me to -
    2) It decreases the potential for ridiculous ramping comboing off of other things. Sure, you will still be able to build a solid ramp deck with him. But to do so, you will have to shy away from things like Hixus, Bonds, etc., or you will just end up trying to do too much.
    I'm not sure that I agree that he's going to remain relevant apart from his color combination. His first ability feels like a weaker version of Sorin's first, and his third basically says "don't bother if you aren't playing all-in on energize" His second is good but won't be worth it until it's fixed. Currently you can buff your creatures only once with it then the animation goes off and the creatures stay the same size.

    Also, I think Tezzeret will be relevant for a very long time. He's built around "supports matter" and since that's a core mechanic to this game, that's not going anywhere. I wouldn't even say he's built around Kaladesh block mechanics as you could make a solid deck for him built around clues from Shadows over Innistrad.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    T2 will always be relevant. fabricate will always be useful (and annoying) and works perfectly with his 3rd. the energy from his first works nicely to pump his creature made from his 2nd, even if you aren't playing any overload cards. As AKH come around, the strong KLD block mythic energy cards will remain strong even without going all in on energy. A2 isn't as good as far as abilities go because his 1st's energy is useless without any overload cards in the deck and his 3rd is useless without a lot of energy in the deck, not to mention that with his already insane life total and the ability to heal 9 for 9 loyalty kind of makes his 3rd useless in general. That said, I still think he will be good thanks to his high life and the color combo. I rank him in 3rd for KLD block walkers. Saheeli is 1st followed by T2 and lastly, N2 at 4th.
  • julianus
    julianus Posts: 188 Tile Toppler
    ZW2007- said:
    That said, I still think he will be good thanks to his high life and the color combo. I rank him in 3rd for KLD block walkers. Saheeli is 1st followed by T2 and lastly, N2 at 4th.
    C2 doesn't even rate a ranking? I can respect that position. ;)
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    ZW2007- said:
    As AKH come around, the strong KLD block mythic energy cards will remain strong even without going all in on energy. A2 isn't as good as far as abilities go because his 1st's energy is useless without any overload cards in the deck and his 3rd is useless without a lot of energy in the deck, not to mention that with his already insane life total and the ability to heal 9 for 9 loyalty kind of makes his 3rd useless in general. That said, I still think he will be good thanks to his high life and the color combo. I rank him in 3rd for KLD block walkers. Saheeli is 1st followed by T2 and lastly, N2 at 4th.

    If you're talking KLD block planeswalkers, you missed out Dovin Baan and Chandra 2.

    Also I'd say Nissa 2 ranks above Ajani 2 cause her higher Green mana bonus makes Green gem conversion very strong with her. Her first ability synergises with those. Plus her third ability is strong even if you don't play any Energize cards in your deck.

    Sure she is mono-colour but there are enough strong Colourless cards nowadays to make up for the deficiencies of a mono-colour deck, especially if you have mana to spare.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    Wow totally forgot about Dovin Baan. Haven't used him much lately. C2 was definitely left out on purpose. I'd rank dovin as a tie for A2 but probably better since blue is more broken than green and his abilities are more self-sufficient. N2's problem is a serious lack of good removal in mono-green, otherwise she is indeed very good.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZW2007- said:
    Wow totally forgot about Dovin Baan. Haven't used him much lately. C2 was definitely left out on purpose. I'd rank dovin as a tie for A2 but probably better since blue is more broken than green and his abilities are more self-sufficient. N2's problem is a serious lack of good removal in mono-green, otherwise she is indeed very good.
    Green has a lot of removal, you just have to think outside the box. Here, like in paper magic, green relies on having big, fat creatures to get the job done. So you play those, then give them reach and/or berserker. Plus you have access to Scour from Existence which is expensive, but green can cast it pretty easily.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    wereotter said:
    ZW2007- said:
    Wow totally forgot about Dovin Baan. Haven't used him much lately. C2 was definitely left out on purpose. I'd rank dovin as a tie for A2 but probably better since blue is more broken than green and his abilities are more self-sufficient. N2's problem is a serious lack of good removal in mono-green, otherwise she is indeed very good.
    Green has a lot of removal, you just have to think outside the box. Here, like in paper magic, green relies on having big, fat creatures to get the job done. So you play those, then give them reach and/or berserker. Plus you have access to Scour from Existence which is expensive, but green can cast it pretty easily.

    That's my problem with green right there. The biggest, badass creatures in this game aren't green. 
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    Yea I'd rather spend 5 mana for a black kill spell or 3/6/9 mana in red or blue to remove something instead of having to rely on my creatures. If I give my creature reach/vigilance, it might die blocking or even worse, get removed and then I have no way to deal with the AI's creatures. Giving berserker has the same effect and slows down the speed at which I win the match. Scour is strong but given that (almost) every other color can cast a removal spell with a single on-color match, it just shows greens weakness. that's just the nature of the beast though. to be clear, I'm not saying nissa 2 is bad. she's a very strong mono-colored walker but there's only a few that can out class a dual-colored walker.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Moved discussion to proper forum section. Left redirect link in General Discussion
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ohboy said:
    wereotter said:
    ZW2007- said:
    Wow totally forgot about Dovin Baan. Haven't used him much lately. C2 was definitely left out on purpose. I'd rank dovin as a tie for A2 but probably better since blue is more broken than green and his abilities are more self-sufficient. N2's problem is a serious lack of good removal in mono-green, otherwise she is indeed very good.
    Green has a lot of removal, you just have to think outside the box. Here, like in paper magic, green relies on having big, fat creatures to get the job done. So you play those, then give them reach and/or berserker. Plus you have access to Scour from Existence which is expensive, but green can cast it pretty easily.

    That's my problem with green right there. The biggest, badass creatures in this game aren't green. 
    This is very true, and I think it comes down to this idea that mythics have to be at least 8/8 creatures. Green absolutely should have the largest creatures in the game and it doesn't.
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    Green should also have the biggest baddest support removal in the entire game.    Like 10 mana:  "Destroy all supports your opponent controls.  Then put a 4/4 elemental token into play for each support destroyed this way.  Then that creature fights each creature your opponent controls".
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    EDHdad said:
    Green should also have the biggest baddest support removal in the entire game.    Like 10 mana:  "Destroy all supports your opponent controls.  Then put a 4/4 elemental token into play for each support destroyed this way.  Then that creature fights each creature your opponent controls".
    That might be a *little* excessive haha but yes some kind of Tranquility effect that destroys all supports, or even a step further that it destroys all supports and all colorless creatures would work well for green. Also since green tends to be the in paper magic can kill artifacts and enchantments, it might be worth it to give green spells in Puzzle Quest to represent its ability to kill artifact creatures that are "destroy target colorless creature"
  • Dsagent
    Dsagent Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Both my ajani and nahari decks are based around lone rider..
    They make it super easy to flip. 
    The issue with ajani is that he does come with a card to convert gems into white and green.

  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2017
    I do lament that Ajani is too focused on lifegain and keeping his life up seeing that we no longer have Cliffhaven Vampire and Serene Steward to help him.

    Still, if nothing else his 2nd ability is his mostly Oath, and I love playing him together with his own Oath to repeatedly buff up my creatures. I've been somewhat successful in using this strategy plus the healing kitties (Enlightened Ascetic and Sacred Cat; will substitute either with that rare Caracal once I have it) to survive Trial of Zeal's 3rd node (and the fact that he also can run Cast Out is a bonus in that case) compared to my previous attempt of using Nahiri.

    Or if you're being rather spiteful, you can always (outside standard) Deploy Vengeance (just watch out for Hixus,  Authority and Amalgam; which reminds me; do we have support or permanent-bonus spell that gives trample?)

    Admittedly, once KLD is out of Standard, he's only good for his color combination as if you need mass pump, especially in white, Nahiri can do a much better job. And her mana gain is better, even if green has Nissa's Pilgrimage.
  • Doomstat
    Doomstat Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    Is anyone actually using him fit his third ability, or does everyone just power 2 and carry on with creature beats. 

    I guess I'm looking for a modern stall that can hold its own. Any suggestions?
  • Doomstat
    Doomstat Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    Okay, so I've been having issues making him a decent stall, so I've defaulted to this version of build for him:

    2 creatures:
    Cultivator of Blades
    Solemn Recruit

    4 spells:
    Animist's Awakening
    Desert of the Indomitable
    Attune with Nature
    Dissenter's Deliverance

    4 supports:
    Sandwurm Convergence
    Cast Out
    Gideon's Intervention
    Gideon's Defeat

  • Matthew
    Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
    Here's what I've been using:

    Regal Caracal
    Adorned Pouncer
    Sacred Cat

    Tragic Arrogance
    Approach of the Second Sun
    Harvest Season
    Dissenter's Deliverance


    Anointed Procession
    Scattered Groves
    Sunset Pyramid

    It's been fun, especially because the downside of Tragic Arrogance is mitigated by the Embalm and Eternalize on the other two kitties. I just pulled Pride Sovereign today though, so now I'm trying to find a way to put him in there.
  • DonovanBR
    DonovanBR Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    Hello, guys! 

    I wanna know what are you thinking about Ajani Anyielding in these latest versions that may not include Kaladesh?

    I'm asking because he seems me very limited. I mean, I only use him to iput counters on cretures I own with 2nd skill. The last skill is almost useless with the speed that the gems are destroyed. I can never find a situation where it can be used. 

    So, do you use any strategy for this utility, when any event limits Kaladesh or any other version that has more synergy with him?

    Because, how all it currently works, I'm very annoying for bought him. 
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,966 Chairperson of the Boards
    DonovanBR said:
    Hello, guys! 

    I wanna know what are you thinking about Ajani Anyielding in these latest versions that may not include Kaladesh?

    I'm asking because he seems me very limited. I mean, I only use him to iput counters on cretures I own with 2nd skill. The last skill is almost useless with the speed that the gems are destroyed. I can never find a situation where it can be used. 

    So, do you use any strategy for this utility, when any event limits Kaladesh or any other version that has more synergy with him?

    Because, how all it currently works, I'm very annoying for bought him. 

    You can still go creatureless with Hazorets Undying Fury/Approach of the Second Sun until Amonkhet rotates out, which is pretty soon. 
  • DonovanBR
    DonovanBR Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    DonovanBR said:
    Hello, guys! 

    I wanna know what are you thinking about Ajani Anyielding in these latest versions that may not include Kaladesh?

    I'm asking because he seems me very limited. I mean, I only use him to iput counters on cretures I own with 2nd skill. The last skill is almost useless with the speed that the gems are destroyed. I can never find a situation where it can be used. 

    So, do you use any strategy for this utility, when any event limits Kaladesh or any other version that has more synergy with him?

    Because, how all it currently works, I'm very annoying for bought him. 

    You can still go creatureless with Hazorets Undying Fury/Approach of the Second Sun until Amonkhet rotates out, which is pretty soon. 
    Its seems a truly nice combo to do, but Ajani Anyielding is green/white, I can't use Hazorets' Undying. Approach of the Second Sun is a really nice card that I'm trying to get, but no luck yet. 

    Thx for helping!