Should vets always beat "noobs"?

MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
One thing I've heard from a few people now is that, because of vaulting, their older 4* champs will no longer gain very many levels. Instead, they will have a bunch of new 4* champs that will probably top out between 280 and 300 before they too are removed from tokens. 

So, unless vaulting goes away again, everyone is eventually going to have a flattened roster in terms of levels, and the difference between veteran players and noobs (like myself) will be in the breadth of 4* champs to choose from, rather than in having some very high level older champs to go along with the new releases. 

Because of power inflation, newer characters are generally somewhat stronger than older ones (with one or two exceptions, perhaps). In the long run, new(ish) players might be able to compete with vets on a somewhat more level playing field, rather than getting crushed by characters that have dozens more levels than they do. 

So. Is this a bad thing? For the game? For vets? For you (whichever category you might be in)? Or is it a way to give hope that new players won't always be the low man on the totem pole; that there is a way to become reasonably competitive despite not having played for 3 years? 

EDIT - I can't edit the poll to set it to private, nor to correct embarrassing grammatical errors.  You win this round, new board! 

Should vets always beat "noobs"? 21 votes

Vets should always win. This is a bad thing.
evade420Sykobananafinnyfinny 3 votes
Noobs should eventually have a shot at competitiveness, regardless of whether it's good or bad for me personally.
EddiemonrixmithhangeGrumpySmurf1002SquareComatoseJackalDaichesTuringPiro_plockdudethtsawesomeDyingLegend 11 votes
Your argument is flawed and wrong. I will now explain the why (below)
beyonderbubCrowl 2 votes
Hehe, you said noob..
I can't remove this poll option.
Deadsiderzaku 2 votes
Omg, it keeps adding more poll options!!!
xKOBALTxSteellatchdramatist 3 votes


  • finnyfinny
    finnyfinny Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Vets should always win. This is a bad thing.
    Vets generally will win.  Vets should have an established roster.  So when events happen they have more options to work with.  The noob will have one powered up character.  The vet should have 2+.

    So the because of this the vet should win not only more but faster the new characters.  Building on that edge they already have.
  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    Has matchmaking changed that much? In my experience noobs play only against noobs, giving the semi-nterested among them a huge advantage.  I think my daughter finished top ten in the season once having only played in two pvps.
  • finnyfinny
    finnyfinny Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Vets should always win. This is a bad thing.
    true noobs get some easy matches at first, but that goes away once they win a few.
  • MarkersMake
    MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry, I wasn't clear about what I meant by "noob". I mean someone like myself, who has just over a year of playing time and is entering the 4* realm. I'm a "noob" relative to someone who has been a playing for 3 years.  - not a true noob with only 2 or 3 weeks of playtime.

    Also, this is all forecasting of an equilibrium that will eventually be reached - not describing the current situation. 
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    **Closing thread as the poll breaks rule 13 and is not editable. I am sure the OP will have a new version of the thread up soon!**
This discussion has been closed.