Crash Of The Titans and other events are bull

jerrymol1 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
I said it before. The A.I. is always given the advantage. Plus does cheat.

Today's Crash Of The Titan, the board has not only been favoring 5* IronMan but he also downed me in one move. A 3 match twice. His first move at that If the DEVS do not have a game that is set up to cheat,  guess I must be seeing things.

This is why I do not financially support this game but also do not recommend it. Too many glitches and in game cheating not by players but the DEVS. I will always say and believe it.


  • Bruinsfan17
    Bruinsfan17 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    Lol sorry for your troubles but no. The game doesn't cheat. Your C4rol is obviously very underleveled and not covered enough to stand a chance. Mine was 3/3/3 and lvl 160 and still took some time and luck to beat him. It's certainly not a crash where only a few covers will suffice. She needs to be well covered to beat 5* Iron Man.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    There are plenty of flaws with the game, but AI cheating isn't one of them. The AI is incredibly bad, which is why the player wins 95% of the time.

    I will say that it's awfully suspicious how often I start a match against Jean Grey with an enticing match-5 staring me in the face, but beyond that, the AI is just a flimsy set of "if X is true, then do Y" conditions. You get just as many brutal cascades as the AI does, you just don't notice it as much because you usually win anyway. 

    Also, this is one of the easiest Crashes on record so I suspect that you're trying to complete it with a seriously underleveled Carol, in which case it obviously will be challenging.
  • jerrymol1
    jerrymol1 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Carol 4/3/1 level 120. Could level to 172. Not sinking any more ISOs. Was going to them to cham Thanos finally.

    Tried quite a few times to be IronMan. Used every Health Pack all 10. Once or twice I did have him down to around 1,000 health. Then out of no where he would get a slew of blue or red. Then bam I am dead. I do not call that being lucky. Especially when it happened each time.

    So it's known. Not writing this so that people think I am looking for pity. Just calling it as it is.

    Sometimes it is also good to be able to get things off your chest by writing them out on a place like this. Since I thought that's what this was for. Whether we all agreed or not. Even if the Mods agreed or not. If players believe them to be true or not that's fine and dandy.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    LOL,  my ex girlfriend had a folder called "Do NOT SEND emails".  I suppose its cathartic to get put pen to paper and get it all out.

    but may I suggest that some emails are just better off saved and not sent.

    feel your pain brother!  Next crash will be better

    sending you mental hugs XOXO
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards

    Back in the dusty days of the second civil war event run... I downed round 8 Tony from full health with charlies angels making just one match...I started with a blue match 3 which cascaded into multiple match 5s until Tony (and his 68k health) were toast. I always remind myself of this story whenever I feel like the AI cheats or gets the advantage. It feels like the AI cheats but that's only because your memory is being selective.

    Seriously as an experiment, for one week make a tally chart and track all the times you were lucky. The answer will surprise you.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your Carol is definitely strong enough to beat him, though I usually level the character to at least 150 just for the extra health. 

    Are you just rushing to get black ASAP? Crash matches will require you to prioritize denial over AP-gathering if your character isn't strong enough to brute-force it. Give it a few tries where you only grab black if there are no red or blue matches available (his yellow isn't that big a deal). Once you get black off once you should be able to beat him that way due to all the extra match damage from strikes.

    Using match-damage boosts helps a lot too - personally, I always have tons of them lying around because I don't use them for anything else, so when a tough Crash rolls around I just max them out.

    All that said, sometimes you just have bad luck. I lost the X-23 Crash seven times in a row with a championed X-23 one time, because I just couldn't stop Elektra from getting tons of red and black. It sucks, but sometimes you just get boned.
  • toddler316
    toddler316 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    I beat it with a lowly 4/1/1 level 135 Carol with boosts.  It took me 3 tries.  You have to get lucky enough to fire black twice and then it's over.  Keep trying!
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    sh81 said:

    Incidentally, ever notice how you cannot retreat from a match if you are going to die?  Even had that happen when you are on your last player, with a decent amount of health, and cannot exit - only to then have the most unexplainable coincidence of several cascades come down/match five/match five... then you are done?

    I have, several times.  That one really gets to me as well.


    You may not have remembered the visual bug that early flashed the victory banner.  But we can tell you authoritatively that the instant you make a move,  the AI has already calculated all the following tile drops and calculated the effects of its its move.

    The reason why your locked out is because the AI already knows that your dead.  All thats left is to display 40 secs of animations. 

    This is actually an important topic in high level competitive play.  Its a true axiom that its better to lose fast than win slow.  Many times in a high level hop match, the optimal strategy is to just retreat to the AI vs. being subjected to 40 secs of death animations in a hopeless match.

    Especially if you line up big CC grills. where the penalty is only -1 (for retreating) vs the cost of getting caught out on your hop could be -150 pts via snipers
  • jerrymol1
    jerrymol1 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Read the feedback and gave everything some thought. After Thanos is champed plus promoted later today so his extra cover does not expire I will consider leveling Carol another 10-20 levels.

    I do not like to lose these Crashes. Have only lost one crash since the Wolverine X-Force Crash. The FalCap/Captain Mrvel was a bust.
  • Evilgenius9
    Evilgenius9 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    5/1/2 C4rol, level 70 - boosted +all ap, + g/b + y/r ap and beat it first try. 
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thread locked because OP accusing AI/Demiurge of cheating. Please don't spread disinformation & make false accusations.
This discussion has been closed.