PVE: Strange Sights (2017-04-17 to 2017-04-20)

rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards

(4/13/17 - 4/20/17)
  • 4-Star: Blade (Modern), Kingpin, Captain America (Sam WIlson), Spider-Woman, Winter Soldier
  • Daredevil, Human Torch (Classic), The Punisher (Dark Reign), Squirrel Girl, Thor (Modern)
  • Daken (Dark Avengers), Magneto (Marvel NOW!)
  • Black Widow (Modern), Venom (Dark Avengers)

Featured Characters:
  • 4-Star: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
  • 3-Star: Steve Rogers (Super Soldier)
  • 2-Star: Daken (Dark Avengers)
Progression Rewards
  • 4-Star: Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - Black
  • 3-Star: Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) - Red, Yellow
  • 2-Star: Daken (Dark Avengers) - Blue
  • 1-Star: Black Widow (Modern) - Blue
Placement Rewards
  • 4-Star: Wasp - Yellow, Black, Blue
  • 3-Star: Kamala Khan - Green, Purple, Yellow
  • 2-Star: Ares - Yellow, Red, Green


  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Link to the last run: http://forums.d3go.com/discussion/59199/pve-strange-sights-2017-02-13-to-2017-02-16#latest

    Ugh, at some point I will have to figure out how to post neat links. Man, I miss BB code.
  • msp2211
    msp2211 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Do we know if progression was adjusted for this run, on the wave nodes? Thanks for the work on these event threads, with the format changes too!
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    I always work on the assumption that we need to do the waves 4 times for progression, that way I'm not tearing my hair out on the final day.


    I took Carol up to level 250 once I'd joined. Wow, that was fun.

    Kaecillius was not fun. I wiped the first time, but took a couple of meat shield 5*s and Medusa the second time. Bye bye 5*s, but Medusa finished him off.
  • msp2211
    msp2211 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Kaecillius at 411 for me. 360 OML (4 yellow covers) Elecktra, and star lord. Good board, easily matched the 1st 3 or 4 strikes he put out. Fired Elecktra purple once, matched 1 more strike, it was over. Star lord was nearly finished, but no real problem.
  • KillaBeeSwarm
    KillaBeeSwarm Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Here are the wave nodes I saw today.

    Orb of Agamotto (Maggia)

    Unending Wiseguys - 3 Waves
    Savage - Brute - Thug
    Hitman - Thug - Muscle
    Thug - Maggia Don - Muscle

    The Wolves Den - 3 Waves
    Brute - Savage - Devastator
    Thug - Maggia Don - Thug
    Kingpin :star::star::star::star: - Hitman - Hitman

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    So what is the easiest of the 3 nodes (Hand, Maggia, Doom)?
  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    I know a lot of people on this forum are further along than me, but I wanted to provide some advice for people who are still in the late 2* range. I'm just about to champ my last 2, and this is the first event to just utterly wreck me. Mindless Ones buffing strike/shield/attack tiles can absolutely wreck your team once they start buffing those tiles up.

    Make use of Moonstone. She's normally situational, but using her black to steal their buffed up tiles can absolutely destroy the opposition. I've been going through the Maggia waves, and I've had a lot of success waiting for the Mindless Ones to pump up their tiles, then stealing them. After that, you can just carve your way through the rest of the waves with one or two shot hits. I've been running Iron Fist(3), Moonstone, and Ares. IF's purple lets you cascade and farm for blacks. Ares' red AoE does incredible damage with strike boosts. If you don't have IF, Daken (especially with the event boost) can tank admirably, and he adds some extra damage with those passive strikes.
  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    Incidentally, does anyone have advice on how to take on the boss in the late 2* range? I managed to beat him in the first round, but I just barely squeaked by.

    Do you have to match his tiles to do damage, or can you destroy them with a power like Magneto's blue and red?
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    @dxanders  You do have to match them. 2Cap can overwrite tiles you aren't able to match, Bullseye can mitigate match damage with his protects, and Ms Marvel can cause cascades with her yellow. Not easy, but it is achievable.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    @dxanders , to expand on what @granne said, 2* Bullseye is actually deceptively good in a match like this.  His purple provide protect tile, but his green and black actually provide the most utility.  Green gives you targeted board destruction to help match away special tiles and black allows you to match with only two colored tiles plus the critical instead of three normal tiles (I don't think criticals do extra damage here, but I honestly don't know).

    It's not a 2* solution, but I've had good luck with my poorly-covered Riri Williams (Lv111, 2/2/1), as her blue can pull tiles from the corners and if all else fails, her green can give a couple turns for the boss to create a match-able tile for you.  I know I used my poorly covered 4*'s to tank colors and soak up damage when I was a purely 2* player, so don't forget about those, as the higher tiers have more board manipulation than the 1* and 2* tiers.
  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    I was thinking Bullseye might be good with his targeted tile destruction, but his powers are so expensive. I have a mostly covered IF. I wonder if he might be a good choice for setting up cascades and fueling Bullseye's black.

    I don't have any 4*s. I've been selling them so I can fill out my 3* roster. Probably not the most effective way to go about things, but I'm pretty OCD about collection.

    Thanks for the advice, guys. The Maggia round in this event was a nightmare for me (I think I may have outpaced myself with level scaling), but things are a lot smoother going in the Hand hub. I'll be curious to see how much luck I have in that second boss fight.
  • seraphiel
    seraphiel Posts: 56 Match Maker
    I did the boss fight with Wolv3rine, Elektra, and Quicksilver after an embarrassing attempt at using my normal group. Kaecilius just does so much damage from a single tile match (nearly 3k) I barely have time to do anything. I kinda got lucky and managed to chip him down enough I could throw down Elektra's purple, then match out two of the new swords I had just handed him for ~5k damage each to him.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I did the same thing seraphiel, and I managed the node *barely* with the same team. Patch got knocked out almost immediately due to a lovely match-five party that invited all of its friends over. Elektra ended up saving the day with her purple. 
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    What happened to the side vaults? Top prize is 5 Cp and no four stars. My favourite event in the game was nerfed for prizes. I'm so cheesed :(
  • Mekuh
    Mekuh Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    My advice for this boss fight is just bring in characters with high HP. You forget that he lays a strike tile at random areas. He'll even place one in an area that you can't even match. It's just sitting there and you can't reach it. So because of this, I said enough is enough and went with three of my best tanks (Sentry, Thor, and Rocket+Groot).
  • UnsmashableTim
    UnsmashableTim Posts: 81 Match Maker
    I use c4rol, scarlet and elektra. Hard to lose
  • KillaBeeSwarm
    KillaBeeSwarm Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    More wave nodes:

    Wand of Watoomb (Hand)

    Power Overwhelming - 3 Waves
    Shinobi - Teisatsu - Shinobi
    Shinobi - Teisatsu - Teisatsu
    Konran - Kishu - Shinobi

    The Nexus - 3 Waves
    Brute - Savage - Shinobi
    Teisatsu - Kishu - Teisatsu
    Teisatsu - Shinobi - Konran

  • KillaBeeSwarm
    KillaBeeSwarm Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    As for the Kaecilius boss fight, I won yesterday using Electra, Wolv3rine and Dak3n. Electra to nerf Kaecilius' strike tiles so I don't get wiped off of match damage, Dak3n to create strike tiles to boost damage when I match, and Wolv3rine as a safety net to generate extra strike tiles at the end for me to match.