Publicly accesible bug tracker

MPQ has many, many, many bugs.  It happens.  The code changes.  Can't be helped.  But what's really frustrating from a player standpoint is the lack of responsiveness to many of these bugs.  Many of them don't get openly acknowledged by D3.  Like, SHIELD Intercepts don't work on iOS.  Lots of people complain and not one person from D3 has made a public statement about it.  I reported a Colossus bug in December - never heard back and it's still there.  The CD 1pt damage bug has existed for *at least* a month with no timeline to fix it.

So how about a public bug tracker?

1) Players could search for their bug before submitting to d3, which would cut down on duplicate reports.
2) d3 could easily confirm or deny the existence of these bugs to the public, which might calm some people down since it's the lack of communication that's the most frustrating.

Thus endeth my idea.