Iron Man Model 40 Error in spanish powers´s translation

glars Posts: 5 Just Dropped In

On the spanish traslation of Unibeam and Ballistic Salvo says that drains 2 (or 3 or 4) tiles from the enemy team instead from the friendly team.

Unibeam (english)

"Iron Man diverts excess power to a focused energy beam blasted from Model 40's chest. Deals 1036 damage and drains up to 4 of the team's Yellow, Purple and Black AP"

Unibeam (spanish)
"Ironman concentra toda la energía almacenada en un rayo de energía lanzado desde el pecho del modelo 40. Inflinge1036 de daño y reduce los PA amarrillos, morados y negros del enemigo en 4"

Ballistic Salvo (english)

"Tony Stark shoots to thrill, letting loose a barrage of charged homing missiles at his enemies. Deals 508 damage to the enemy team and destroys 3 basic tiles and drain 3 of the team's Yellow, Purple and Black AP. (Destroyed tiles do not generate AP.)

Ballistic Salvo (spanish)

"Tony Stark dispara para emocionar, descargando una ráfaga de misiles guiados hacia sus enemigos. Inflinge 508 de daño al equipo enemigo, destruye 3 fichas básica al azar y reduce los PA amarillos, morados y negros del enemigo por 3. La fichas destruidas no generan PA"

I am not really sure if the enemy lose AP too, but I am sure that my team do, so the translation seems to be wrong or is confusing.

I put this observation here because I could not find a categorý for translation problems.

I hope it helps.
