Block format [Joke]

shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion
In this thread I'd like to discuss block formats; what they are, why they're probably on their way, and most importantly, how not to introduce them.

Block format refers to a way of playing the game (in an Event, for example), where no cards may be put into decks except those which come from a specific block of cards. A block, in MTG, refers to a single large set of cards, with it's associated expansion set: BFZ+OGW, SOI+EMN, KLD+AER. Origins would count as it's own block; The forthcoming Amonkhet (AKH) set will count as it's own block from release, but later on will be joined by it's expansion set, Hour of Devastation (HOU)... if MTGPQ hasn't died a death by then, of course. Currently we have PvE events where our opponent's decks are constructed only from cards from a single block, but we the players are allowed to play any cards in our own decks. In a block format, the decks fielded by both players would be restricted to a single block.

There are a number of reasons why I think D3 will inevitably come around to including Block formats:

1) They'll sell more cards. This is a no brainer: if a new set comes out and I can't play any of my old cards, I'll have to buy new ones to compete. (They'll still have to keep SOME formats open to old cards, of course)

2) It fixes power creep. Power creep is definitely starting to be a problem; Baral proved that. When the time comes to make a cash cow card which is so powerful that it makes a Tezz2 Baral/Startled Awake/Behold the Beyond deck look weak, they'll have a serious problem. Rotating old power cards out of certain formats allow them to print new cards at the same or even lower power level, and still sell them, rather than having to constantly increase their power level to make them desirable.

3) It removes the need to balance old cards. This takes time and effort, and they clearly hate doing that now.

4) It reduces complexity for new players. As time goes on, more and more new mechanics will be introduced into the game. Players who've been with the game for a while will generaly welcome this, but the bar of entry for new players will be steadily raised. Introducing a format where only the most recent cards are allowed to be played counteracts this.

Now I have to say that I am not at all opposed to block formats being introduced. I'm all for variety, and even though these are not great solutions to power creep and balance, they're better than nothing. I certainly thought they were a good idea last year, back before I realised that the Suggestions & Feedback forum was a black hole that wasn't worth posting in.


What I don't want to see, and what I feel would be particularly bad for new players, would be the introduction of block format coinciding with the release of AKH. At release, no players will own any AKH cards at all. And only two type of players will have access to large numbers of them; $$$ spending pay-to-win players, and the toxic elite like me who have managed to build up a huge pile of crystals and jewels. And then, as always, the rich will get richer winning those events. You thought this thread was a joke? We shall see.

[edit]Figured out how to hyperlink that video...


  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,255 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    I've always been nervous about the introduction of block format, for the reasons specified. Additionally, due to the rarity tax, when you have 12-14 cards that can fulfill objectives, but 2-3 of them are ridiculously better at doing so, it heavily skews the format towards people that can buy/accrue mythics and rares at a higher rate.

    Now, granted, perhaps this was a reason they drastically reduced mythic rewards and crippled the in-game economy.  That might even be a good reason. However, since no one has bothered to communicate the reasons behind said changes (while knowing that valid reasons and rational discourse about said changes would have been highly welcome over the last several weeks), one is forced to assume that any positive results are the byproduct rather than the intent.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,952 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wait why was this labeled a joke thread? 
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wait why was this labeled a joke thread? 
    Oh, wasn't it a joke? Sometimes I can't even tell myself.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,952 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh it's just you shteevin', I should have learned by now. 
  • Justyce
    Justyce Posts: 54 Match Maker
    They can make origins always available in a block
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Justyce said:
    They can make origins always available in a block
    That's true, but then you do get the problem of people falling back on using old power cards like TSN or Starfield, rather than new cards.
  • Thésée
    Thésée Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    One day will come block format will be absolutely needed otherwise the huge pool of cards will produce too many combos. And for all the (un?)funny reasons you listed. 
    To avoid a race  starting from zero the only solution is to create events allowing  Origins + 1 block or 2 blocks without Origins. 
    Sure there would be people holding cards too powerful at the start, but is there another solution? 
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor

    I don't agree with full block format restrictions at this point in time.

    Partial restrictions I'm on board with.  Instead of objectives like "energize 20 gems", there should be "include 3 cards that energize in your deck".  Then you can either **** your deck without synergy or you can actually build an energy based deck.  Both will work.  I just hate having to stall matches or try and keep track of how many bloody gems have been energized.

    If they do have block-specific events, then I hope they provide everyone with a basic starter deck just to participate in the event (kind of like the Saheeli Rai event, except not Mythic heavy).  If you want to customize the deck, then you need to own the cards.  Otherwise you can still participate with the given deck.

  • babar3355
    babar3355 Posts: 1,128 Chairperson of the Boards

    Block formats would really freshen up this game.  It won't be comfortable for everyone.  It will be more pay to win early in the block.  But at least the game will get a much needed refresh.

    BTW, this is one of three ways to make the game more accessible to newer players.

    2. Change mechanic to move into new power levels (ie silver, gold, plat) from mastering cards to success in events.  Almost an elo mechanic.  If you win a lot you move up to higher tiers and play better competitors (for better prizes).  Successful people cant stay in gold and pub stomp, and newer players will be on a  more level footing.

    3. Scale awards for events based on planewalker level.  Identical to QB, where for the primary objective of winning you get 6,5,4,3,2,1 ribbons based on the level of the PW you used when you entered the battle.  Obviously, fixes people trolling elite caliber collections in lower level PWs getting far easier matchups.

    Or you could just destroy the incentive to play like you tried with the recent patch.  How's that working for you?  Hope you got a boost in quarterly profits because I bet you lose your job next quarter... greedy morons.