Is there no longer a way to block individual users?

halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
So first I want to acknowledge that echo chambers can be bad, and I do generally make a point of getting exposure to alternative viewpoints on important issues. However! For a discussion/announcement board about a fun but ultimately meaningless phone game, I don't see much value to such open-mindedness when the alternative in question is toxic whining and incessant oneupping about who can have the most catastrophically hyperbolic take on every single thing that changes or doesn't change. 

In the old forum I could block users (e.g., If someone whines about "supposed to lose" out of context six months after the person who said it left, it's a pretty safe bet I wouldn't miss that person's input on future developments), and doing so pretty aggressively got the ratio of interesting vs. haterade to be pretty favorable. But now on the new forums I'm feeling overwhelmed by how terrible everything is: the tokens! The true healing! New store options! A-B testing! It's pretty scary. 

All I want is a way to ignore this when I'm getting info about my favorite diversion from worrying about how the global "well one time you said we were supposed to lose" brigade is ruining elections around the world. 


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